
Caleb Tolin | July 24, 2018
Venezuela is in a massive financial crisis which isn’t new, but because they continue to  print money to cover a growing budget hole, the…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | July 16, 2018
    US politicians swear oaths to protect and defend their supposed rule book, the US Constitution. Yet, for over a century (and during various…
Caleb Tolin | June 21, 2018
Soaring inflation and “greedy businesspeople” have caused Socialist Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro to send troops to about 100 different markets…
Nick Kangadis | May 22, 2018
Socialism gained another victory on Sunday — rigged as it may have been — but a victory nonetheless. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro celebrated…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | March 16, 2018
In the 1990s, author F. Paul Wilson wrote a novella entitled, “Aryans and Absinthe.”  It's a horror tale set in 1923 Weimar Germany. And the “…
Nick Kangadis | June 7, 2017
True Socialists and progressives always try to shield the public from knowing the truth about what really happens when government completely…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | April 13, 2017
In February, we reported that the city of San Francisco had a new “free college” plan for city residents that included an added stipend for books and…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | December 15, 2016
By a vote of 92-7, with one not voting, the United States Senate on December 8 passed the annual -- and notoriously anti-freedom -- National…
Eric Scheiner | February 28, 2014
Moore: ‘Never In History’ of U.S. Have We Seen Such a Massive Buildup in Money- See more at:…
Eric Scheiner | November 16, 2010
Rep. Mike Pence discusses a bill that would require the Federal Reserve to focus solely on Inflation.