
Eric Scheiner | April 9, 2014
Republican Lawmakers Tell Dems, 'Stop Politicizing Women' - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/republican-lawmakers-tell-dems-…
Evan Mantel | March 13, 2014
All men are driven by their primal, lusting urges.
MarkF | June 5, 2013
On Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle says "a lot of men fear the fact that women have better balance than men, they have better judgment" than a lot of men.
Anonymous | May 31, 2012
Frankly this is borderline criminal reporting. To show what is happening and not why, and in a backhanded way, claim it is partially NATO's fault for…
MattH | April 12, 2012
CNN's Wolf Blitzer grilled Democratic activist Hilary Rosen for upwards of ten minutes on Thursday, forcing his stubborn guest to apologize for her…
terryforpresident | January 28, 2011
Women's Voting Rights & The Civil Rights Movement
Stephen Gutowski | June 8, 2010
In case you're wondering exactly what the Israeli's are up against there's this (h/t Walid Shoebat) (Mild Content Warning): It may be 2 years old…