
Nick Kangadis | March 10, 2017
After only a few weeks of being on the shelves, “Reasons To Vote For Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide" has officially landed itself the No. 1 spot…
Nick Kangadis | February 28, 2017
Of course, the media and liberals will do nothing but blame the Trump administration and conservatives alike for this mess, should it happen.…
Nick Kangadis | February 23, 2017
James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas organization just dropped another undercover video, and their target this time? The media -- and in particular, CNN…
Nick Kangadis | February 9, 2017
You’ve heard it for at least months now: “Trump is Hitler! Republicans are Nazis! Trump is a Nazi! Conservatives are fascists! Trump is a fascist…
ashley.rae | January 13, 2017
While giving a press briefing to reporters, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the GOP's push to defund the taxpayer funded…
Nick Kangadis | December 19, 2016
It just wouldn’t be a political event without Academy Award winning documentary director Michael Moore putting in his two cents. As a lot of you…
Daniel Pickert | December 7, 2016
After Hampshire College recently decided to remove the American flag from campus, 54 House Republicans proposed a bill that would take away federal…
Nick Kangadis | November 18, 2016
Who doesn’t love Tom Hanks? Whether the actor agrees with something or not, Hanks always keeps an open mind no matter the topic. On Tuesday,…
Nick Kangadis | November 9, 2016
(Image: Twitter/@mileycyrus) It’s official! No, I’m not talking about how Donald Trump’s victory early Wednesday morning in the 2016 presidential…
Nick Kangadis | November 8, 2016
Oh, Trevor Noah. So misguided and full of hate-filled rhetoric. How adorable! Well, Noah was at it yet again spewing his misinformed hate speech…
Zach Montanaro | November 7, 2016
This election cycle has been brutal, no doubt about it. The American Psychological Association recently stated that Americans, regardless of party…