
Sergie Daez | March 18, 2021
The Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits, believe they owe an apology to the slaves they sold in the 19th century.  According to The Daily…
Nick Kangadis | February 24, 2021
Leave it to a race hustler to make blame the reason he didn’t enact a racist policy on the racism of others — in this case “white folks.” Former…
patrick.goodenough | February 18, 2021
Freshman Rep. Burgess Owens (R-Utah), the great grandson of a slave, argued during a House subcommittee hearing Wednesday that it was “impractical…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 16, 2020
It seems as if “Identity Politics” has no nadir, and a new tale of “social justice” (i.e. “political demands”) appears to support that theory. But as…
Brittany M. Hughes | August 14, 2020
So here’s how it’s gone down over the past week. Looters in Chicago did an estimated $60 million worth of damage to a swanky area on the North Side…
Eric Scheiner | July 16, 2020
Providence, Conn. Mayor Jorge Elorza (D) signed an executive order to pursue a “truth-telling and reparations process” in the city on Wednesday.…
Duncan Schroeder | July 8, 2020
On Wednesday morning’s CNN Newsroom, host Poppy Harlow brought on Democratic Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer to discuss the investigation of the…
melanie.hunter | December 20, 2019
Democratic presidential candidate South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg said Thursday that he’s for compensating illegal immigrant children separated from…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | December 2, 2019
“Freedom is slavery.” So said Big Brother, the anthropomorphized character of the state in George Orwell’s “1984”. That, of course, was fiction. But…
Nick Kangadis | November 27, 2019
(Image: Screenshot of Ald. Robin Rue Simmons/YouTube/City of Evanston, IL) Imagine one out of every six people in the town you lived in were of a…
Ferlon Webster Jr. | August 23, 2019
As they make their bid for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, left-wing candidates have overwhelmingly come out in favor of reparations for…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 20, 2019
“Comedian” and HBO writer Rae Sanni openly called fellow black American and writer Coleman Hughes a “coon” for pushing back against the notion of…