
Nick Kangadis | May 16, 2018
The propaganda coming out of the Gaza Strip area of the Middle East is astounding. The Palestinian/Hamas duo of misdirection has gotten to the point…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 16, 2018
A new video showing "peaceful" Palestinians shooting down an Israeli drone seems to debunk the myth that the screaming hoard was entirely "unarmed"…
Nick Kangadis | May 15, 2018
It’s a very delicate situation along the Gaza Strip where people are reportedly dying with thousands reportedly injured. However, the White House isn…
Nick Kangadis | December 11, 2017
Whatever happened to Islam being the supposed "religion of peace"? Because judging by the response to President Trump declaring Jerusalem the capital…
patrick.goodenough | August 24, 2017
State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert suggested Wednesday that embracing the “two-state solution” would amount to showing “bias” towards one…
Nick Kangadis | January 24, 2017
In case you didn’t know (and how could you when there was an inauguration and women’s abortion rally going on?), former President Barack Obama left…
Ben Graham | March 8, 2016
**This blog contains images that some may find disturbing. An Israeli man was stabbed by a Palestinian man Tuesday afternoon in Petah Tikva, close to…
danjoseph | December 8, 2015
4,000 stuffed dolls portraying a rock-throwing, scarf-adorned Jihadist and painted in the colors of the Palestinian flag were seized by Israeli…