BreitbartTV | July 21, 2011
The Stage Right Show, hosted by Editor Larry O'Connor, airs nightly at midnight ET (9:00 PM PT) at and at www.…
MarkF | July 20, 2011
Arguing with Mo Brooks of Alabama over raising the debt ceiling, MSNBC's Contessa Brewer attempts to discredit the Tea Party Republican fresman…
BreitbartTV | July 5, 2011
MSNBC's Matthews Likens GOP to Muslim Extremists Inviting Armageddon
Anonymous | June 23, 2011
Former green jobs czar Van Jones talks to MSNBC's Cenk Uygur about his new project, Rebuild The Dream. His lawyer has just recently sent Fox a Cease…
danjoseph | June 22, 2011
On Tuesday, former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States.The announcement was greeted by the…
Anonymous | June 20, 2011
Bryon Monohon, mayor of Forks, Washington, does not like how the Border Patrol is driving around his town in search of illegal aliens. When asked how…
Anonymous | June 20, 2011
MSNBC talks about the former president's economic plans to help jump start the economy from everything to painting roofs white to reflect heat to…
Rich Noyes | June 14, 2011
On his June 14 MSNBC show, left-wing host Cenk Uygur attacked Republicans for proposing to cut back on federal spending. "The Republican vision of…
mfinkelstein | June 13, 2011
On Morning Joe, when Mika Brzezinski tried to report the comments of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus on Weinergate, Joe Scarborough shouts her down and…
Anonymous | June 9, 2011
On the Ed Show, host Ed Schultz calls the GOP hypocrites after their calls for Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign.
Stephen Gutowski | May 6, 2011
MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell had Condi Rice on his show for an interview. However, due to O'Donnell's confrontational and disrespectful approach, it…
Alex Fitzsimmons | April 28, 2011
MSNBC's Chuck Todd rattled off a laundry list of reasons to explain rising oil prices, none of which included Obama's anti-drilling policies.