
Nick Kangadis | March 5, 2019
Wait, I thought there was no crisis at the U.S./Mexico border?! I mean, that’s what the left has been telling us since they switched their positions…
Nick Kangadis | February 12, 2019
If politicians actually cared about the safety of the people, then why do they sacrifice the country’s national security just so they can say they,…
Nick Kangadis | February 8, 2019
“Walls don’t work!” “There’s no proof that walls work.” We’ve all heard statements like this from people who advocate for the degradation the United…
Nick Kangadis | January 10, 2019
This might be capitalism at its very finest. There’s people out there that complain that everything is too commercial and that companies will turn…
Nick Kangadis | January 8, 2019
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) knows her state already has a border wall with Mexico, right? She’s got to. It’s either that or the…
Nick Kangadis | January 7, 2019
With the country’s biggest topic of contention between the two major political parties continuing to be immigration, President Trump announced on…
bradwilmouth | January 3, 2019
For more, see the cross post at the MRC's NewsBusters blog
Brittany M. Hughes | December 21, 2018
U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement say they just deported an illegal alien back to Mexico where he’s wanted for murder – but only after he’d…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 19, 2018
While coming up with $5 billion out of a $3 trillion budget to put toward a border wall and secure our own county is apparently too much to ask, the…
bradwilmouth | December 18, 2018
For more, see the cross post at the MRC's NewsBusters blog
bradwilmouth | December 16, 2018
For more, see the cross post at the MRC's NewsBusters blog
Nick Kangadis | December 4, 2018
People who intentionally break the law, especially in a country they don’t reside in, you should have to face the consequences. That might sound cold…