libtalk hate

radioeq | March 6, 2013
DR CHARLES OGLETREE (06 March 2013): I think it’s worth noting yesterday we lost the President and the leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez and I know…
radioeq | March 5, 2013
STEPHANIE MILLER (05 March 2013): The pressure of the sequestration has finally made John Boehner crack.JIM WARD: muttering imitating a drunken…
radioeq | March 5, 2013
[So much for the bitter white guy theory, as Sharpton & friends abruptly discover]EARL OFARI HUTCHINSON (04 March 2013): Now, we know a few…
radioeq | March 4, 2013
[Traditional leftist Cornel West vs establishment Obama apologist Alice Rivlin duke it out over whether the economy is really "fixed"] CORNEL WEST:…
radioeq | March 1, 2013
THOM HARTMANN (26 Feb 2013): I believe in a regulated capitalist economy and a democratic socialist government, which is pretty much what we had from…
radioeq | March 1, 2013
MIKE PAPANTONIO (28 Feb 2013): Let me just tell you something, go back and look at the history of Scalia. This guy's grandfather was head of the New…
radioeq | February 28, 2013
SCHULTZ (27 February 2013): It's strange to parallel these stories but I'm going to do it. The National Football League is asking prospects at their…
radioeq | February 28, 2013
MIKE MALLOY (28 Feb 2013) I have an interest in seeing the entire Republican party DIE. I mean, on their backs, their little squiggly legs up in the…
radioeq | February 26, 2013
STEPHANIE MILLER (26 Feb 2013): Here’s my major concerns about the sequestration okay number one stock up on meat now, it might not be available for…
radioeq | February 26, 2013
TAVIS SMILEY (24 Feb 2013): So, you are in Pennsylvania right now and folk just down the road from you discovered that President Obama has been the…
radioeq | February 21, 2013
JUAN WILLIAMS (20 Feb 2013) (after Geraldo refers to his possible Senate run): Go, Geraldo, go! GERALDO RIVERA: You like that idea, Juan?JUAN…
radioeq | February 21, 2013
ED SCHULTZ (20 Feb 2013): We were talking about how we view the media and whatnot and he says, you know, we all have our tribes. And that may be true…