
Nick Kangadis | February 28, 2018
If you ask a Leftist — which is an ordeal in and of itself — the AR-15 rifle is the most evil contraption ever invented. The rhetoric of Leftists…
Monica Sanchez | February 27, 2018
Most Americans think the government, not guns, are to blame for the Florida school shooting that left 17 people dead and several seriously injured.…
Nick Kangadis | February 27, 2018
Wait a minute! I thought guns were only reserved for nut jobs who like to shoot innocent people?! You mean to tell me that you can also use them for…
Scott Whitlock | February 26, 2018
[See NewsBusters for more.] According to the journalists on CBS This Morning, Monday, companies must target the NRA in the wake of the Parkland…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | February 25, 2018
Leave it to the Washington Post to avoid hard truths about violent crime and the uselessness of supposed “gun control” while insulting people who use…
Nick Kangadis | February 23, 2018
While the political class duke it out over the scope of the Second Amendment, one sheriff in Ohio is taking matters into his own hands to keep kids…
Geoffrey | February 22, 2018
Full blog posted on NewsBusters. On the August 1, 1999 edition of 60 Minutes, Stahl introduced the segment: “When Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 22, 2018
President Donald Trump on Thursday tweeted that he'd be pushing to raise the minimum age on all gun purchases including AR-15s and other long guns …
Eric Scheiner | January 15, 2018
    Riders took to the streets Monday afternoon in Miami on dirt bikes and four-wheelers to pull wheelies, drive on sidewalks and ride in the…
Eric Scheiner | December 14, 2017
A recent (Dec. 5th – 11th) CBS/You Gov Poll claims Americans believe gangs and irresponsible gun owners hold the most responsibility for the “level…
Eric Scheiner | December 12, 2017
“Why don’t we just pass a mandate that every woman, man and child in America must buy a gun and maybe that would satisfy or satiate our gun…
Nick Kangadis | November 8, 2017
For those who literally don’t care about offending people, this will make you legitimately “LOL.” A Texas man, whose son was a witness to the…