Executive Order

Craig Bannister | February 23, 2015
The White House announced Pres. Obama will issue a new executive order today – and promised that a flurry of additional orders will soon follow. In…
Monica Sanchez | December 19, 2014
According to a new Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) report released today, immigrants—legal and illegal—reaped the benefits from recent job…
Craig Bannister | November 22, 2014
  Pres. Obama said today that he will begin respecting limits on his authority once Congress passes an immigration bill he likes. In his weekly…
Corwin Parks | November 21, 2014
English Translation: "The president realized that Republicans were not going to act within the United States Congress, therefore, the president…
Corwin Parks | November 20, 2014
CNSNews.com's Terry Jeffrey made an apprearance on The Sean Hannity show to talk about immigration, the Consitiution and executive orders.
Katie Rodriguez | November 19, 2014
The United States is counting down the hours until President Obama announces that he will use the power of the Executive Branch to push forth…
Eric Scheiner | November 19, 2014
Reid on Obama Amnesty Order: 'Go Big'
Katie Rodriguez | November 18, 2014
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is encouraging President Obama to go "big" on immigration, but not without trying to get Sen. Mitch…
Eric Scheiner | November 13, 2014
melanie.hunter | March 21, 2014
Four years ago on March 21, 2010, the U.S. House passed Obamacare on a party line vote. Prior to the vote, Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) said this on…