
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 21, 2018
Thanksgiving. It wasn’t what many government school teachers claim. It wasn’t established because the Pilgrims wanted to “thank” the natives…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 19, 2018
Here’s a breaking story to raise hackles -- or reinforce your ability to turn the other cheek and practice forgiveness. In the midst of all the…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | July 5, 2018
Ahh, summer. Ice cream. Outdoor concerts. Hikes. So many things to love, why not add one more, at taxpayer expense, and make sure it’s infused with…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 15, 2017
Can it be true? Health care costs are projected to shoot higher?! A new survey of 148 large businesses, two-thirds of which belong to the Fortune…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 7, 2017
Among the many axioms in political-economics, two stand out. The first is that government penalties against voluntary business will inspire those…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | April 13, 2017
In February, we reported that the city of San Francisco had a new “free college” plan for city residents that included an added stipend for books and…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | April 10, 2017
As if reciting a mantra, socialists tell people that their political philosophy is “for the people." Yet, just as every collectivist state on…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | March 27, 2017
Scientists are frantic. They’re working diligently to find a curable salve for Americans who have “felt the Bern”, but the problem is getting…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 8, 2016
“Let them eat cake.” Apocryphally attributed to Marie-Antoinette, wife of King Louis XVI of France prior to the revolution, the smarmy line she…