kpicket | September 6, 2008
Larry King mispronounced the word "misogynistic" while interviewing filmmaker Michael Moore.
kpicket | September 6, 2008
CNN's Jeanne Moss criticized Sarah Palin over her pronunciation of the word "nuclear." Moss' colleague, Larry King, fumbled the word "misogynistic"…
kpicket | September 5, 2008
CNN scrutinized the selling of the Alaskan governor's plane which was put up on ebay.
Mhumphrey | September 4, 2008
CNN's Gloria Borger with Rudy Giuliani on Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin
Ken Shepherd | September 4, 2008
CNN's John Roberts caught outside the security zone for the Republican Convention on the morning of Sept. 4, dismissing Sarah Palin's complaint of…
Mhumphrey | September 3, 2008
Roland Martin on CNN, September 3, 2008, reacting to Sarah Palin's comments on Obama as a community organizer.
Matthew Balan | September 2, 2008
CNN's Jeffrey Toobin on the first night of the GOP convention: 'Fred Thompson, George Bush, Joe Lieberman -- the Republican Party, are they the party…
Matthew Balan | August 27, 2008
CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked the network's senior political analyst Gloria Borger about the number of homes she has, a reference to McCain's non-answer…
Matthew Balan | August 26, 2008
CNN's Roland Martin, along with Paul Begala and Donna Brazile, get the groove on at the Democratic convention, as featured in Jeanne Moos' report.
Jpoor | August 20, 2008
Former Secretary Madeline Albright criticizes White House reaction to Georgia/Russia conflict and calls Putin and Bush meeting in Beijing "very…
Matthew Balan | August 20, 2008
CNN's Ed Lavandera's report on corporal punishment in schools featured Joe Cancellare, a Texas student who is seen wearing a red T-shirt with the…
kbrown | July 22, 2008
Lou Dobbs of CNN's "Lou Dobbs Tonight," blames the President, Congress, and the FDA for the continuing salmonella problem, even though they just…