
Nick Kangadis | February 16, 2018
Late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel must have huge investments in stables, because he climbed aboard his tear-covered high horse again Thursday…
Brittany M. Hughes | January 11, 2018
Islam is projected to easily overtake Judaism as the second-largest religion in the U.S. over the next two decades. On top of that, a new Pew…
Nick Kangadis | November 9, 2017
Quick question: what isn’t racist anymore? It would probably take less time to list the items that way, judging by how race hustlers constantly cry…
Eric Scheiner | November 7, 2017
Brush and Nib studios in Phoenix, Ariz. may be fined for refusing to use their creative talents to celebrate same sex marriages. Joanna Duka and…
Nick Kangadis | November 7, 2017
The man who was arrested on Monday after “allegedly” traveling to Washington D.C. to murder “all white police” can say he wanted to do so in the name…
Brittany M. Hughes | September 13, 2017
When it comes to helping hurricane disaster victims in the wake of Harvey and Irma, it turns out Christians and other faith-based groups are…
Nick Kangadis | September 6, 2017
A producer from ABC's “Modern Family” took to Twitter over the holiday weekend to criticize Christians who agree with President Trump’s decision to…
melanie.hunter | August 15, 2017
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced the release of the 2016 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom on Tuesday and outlined some of…
Nick Kangadis | June 16, 2017
People in power who have no understanding of Islam or Sharia Law are constantly attempting to downplay some of the more radical aspects of the Muslim…
Nick Kangadis | June 6, 2017
Tolerance in Canada is a one-way street. As long as you fall in line with Socialist ideologies, you have a place in the land of the maple leaves. A…
Nick Kangadis | April 26, 2017
At "Uncommon Sense," the mind-numbingly stupid will find no refuge. The sky is blue. Water is wet. Look both ways when crossing the street. Common…