CBS News

Rich Noyes | June 3, 2008
On CBS's "The Early Show," Katie Couric denounced the media's performance before the Iraq war as "embarrassing" and claimed pre-war dissent was "… | April 28, 2008
While the blogosphere is growing in power and influence, the old media have finally built their own mausoleum, the "Newseum" -- and you're invited on…
MarkF | March 3, 2008
Harry Smith of CBS' "Early Show" suggested that Hillary Clinton will hit husband and former President Bill Clinton with her frying pan if she loses…
Ken Shepherd | January 25, 2008
January 25, 1988, millions of Americans saw one newsman’s liberal agenda laid bare, as CBS anchor Dan Rather attempted to ambush then-Vice President…
Jpoor | January 24, 2008
CBS's 'Evening News' on New Unemployment Numbers
Jpoor | January 23, 2008
CBS Early Show looks to Dan Gelber and his daughters for more reasons why there should be regulation on concert ticket prices.
nburchfiel | January 21, 2008
CBS Global Warming Special
Jpoor | January 9, 2008
CBS's 'Face the Nation' Interview with Huckabee Re: Fair Tax
Jpoor | January 9, 2008
Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee defended the "fair tax" proposal on CBS' "Early Show" by saying it would tax drug dealers, prostitutes, pimps…
Jpoor | November 28, 2007
'Salt trumps fat' in 'Evening News' coverage on the eve of FDA hearings to decide whether salt should be regulated as a food additive.
Rich Noyes | September 24, 2007
Scott Pelley conducted a very tough interview with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad which aired on Sunday's 60 Minutes, but on Monday’s Early…
Rich Noyes | September 8, 2004
Opening his September 8, 2004 CBS Evening News, anchor Dan Rather breathlessly touted how "CBS News has exclusive information, including documents,…