Bill Clinton

Nick Kangadis | September 19, 2018
Don’t you wish just once that Leftists wouldn’t talk out of both sides of their mouths? We’re constantly drummed over the head with mindless…
Nick Kangadis | September 19, 2018
The Left has never had a problem with holding one standard for people they disagree with, while holding a complete opposite standard for “one of…
Nick Kangadis | September 4, 2018
Just wondering why it seems as though Monica Lewinsky is the only one who receives backlash from the media for engaging in sexual affair with a…
Eric Scheiner | June 15, 2018
In this week’s Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression: The liberal media was preparing for the president’s summit with Kim Jong-un, worried that…
asears | June 13, 2018
Read the full article on the MRC's NewsBusters blog. Tuesday, while appearing on CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time, left-wing political commentator and weekend…
Caleb Tolin | June 12, 2018
Former President Bill Clinton managed to dig his own hole a little deeper in yet another interview about #MeToo, sexual harassment, and Monica…
Scott Whitlock | June 12, 2018
[See NewsBusters for more.] Journalists have been unsurprisingly slow to notice the latest appalling comments from Bill Clinton in which he appears…
Monica Sanchez | June 11, 2018
Bill Clinton is playing the victim, but most Americans aren’t buying it. According to a new Rasmussen poll, a majority of American voters (53%) view…
Patrick Hauf | June 7, 2018
Remember when Democrats praised the importance of the #MeToo movement? I do. And they were right to do so. But now that Bill Clinton is involved?…
Patrick Hauf | June 5, 2018
Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey, two Bill Clinton accusers, just threw down scathing responses to the former president's Monday morning…
Patrick Hauf | June 4, 2018
In a interview on NBC's Today show Monday, former President Bill Clinton said a private apology to his former intern, Monica Lewinsky, is not …
Caleb Tolin | June 4, 2018
Skeezy Bill Clinton doesn’t think that he owes Monica Lewinsky an apology, says he he doesn’t agree with all of the #MeToo movement, wouldn’t do…