Barack Obama

Ken Shepherd | March 25, 2008
This week: how dare Barack Obama suggest hard work and personal responsibility; mentally ill liberals; Palestinian polling on suicide bombing; and…
MarkF | March 24, 2008
Columnist and "Hardball" panelist Eugene Robinson offered political asylum to Chris Wallace should he leave Fox News in the wake of his criticism of…
DannyG | March 24, 2008
Cybercast News Service Editor-In-Chief Terry Jeffrey discusses the decision of New Mexico Gov. to endorse Barack Obama over longtime friend Hillary…
StuJ | March 24, 2008
Actor/comedian Richard Belzer discussed why he's voting for Barack Obama and said what he thinks of America: Obama is "clearly touching something in…
StuJ | March 24, 2008
Chris Matthews compared Barack Obama's speech on race to great literary works.
MarkF | March 24, 2008
Matt Lauer suggested in an interview with Barack Obama supporter Bill Richardson that the only way Hillary could win the Democratic presidential…
Rich Noyes | March 23, 2008
On the March 23, 2008 Face the Nation, Roger Simon of "The Politico" assessed Barack Obama's speech on race: "Obama really won over his base; he won…
BobParks | March 22, 2008
Thankfully, No Spin: Pastor Wars; Gnome, Sweet Gnome; The Good Friday Blues; Creepy Pic Of The Week; No Worries. Produced and edited by Bob Parks.
MarkF | March 22, 2008
Bill Richardson recounted to NBC's Lester Holt the phone call in which he informed Hillary Clinton he was endorsing Barack Obama.
MarkF | March 21, 2008
Chris Matthews enthuses over Barack Obama and his speech on race in America.
DannyG | March 19, 2008
Barack Obama tackled race in a March 18 speech to try to allay a brewing controversy, but Cybercast News Service Editor-In-Chief Terry Jeffrey said…
MarkF | March 19, 2008
CBS political correspondent Jeff Greenfield faulted Barack Obama's race speech, saying that at some point he has to disassociate from a "crackpot"…