media bias

Monica Sanchez | June 27, 2017
White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders at Tuesday’s press briefing shut down a reporter accusing her and the Trump administration of “…
Maureen Collins | May 30, 2017
Consider this headline: “Minnesota Mom Sues Her Own Transgender Daughter For Transitioning." Sound at all biased? That's probably because it is.…
Monica Sanchez | May 23, 2017
(Image via Screenshot) Is this a new low for CNN? You tell us. “Anderson Cooper 360” aired a segment Monday night where they asked third graders…
Eric Scheiner | May 10, 2017
“The firing of FBI Director James Comey has pushed the deranged, bloodthirsty media over the edge,” The Media Research Center said in a press release…
Monica Sanchez | May 5, 2017
President Trump isn't the only one that thinks most political polls conducted by major news networks or online media outlets are biased against him…
Eric Scheiner | April 28, 2017
Jorge Ramos is set to be recognized Friday by the National Press Club with the 2017 Walter Cronkite Award, but the Media Research Center says Ramos …
Brittany M. Hughes | April 13, 2017
Hillary Cinton’s former spokesperson, Jennifer Palmieri – you know, the lady who was caught mocking Catholics and helping Hillary cheat in debates…
Monica Sanchez | April 5, 2017
(Image via Gallup) Most Americans recognize partisan bias in the news media, a new Gallup poll reveals. Over six in ten Americans (62%) say the…
Eric Scheiner | April 4, 2017
“The liberal media’s ‘nothing to see here’ approach to Susan Rice’s politically-motivated unmasking of Trump associates in sensitive intelligence…
Andrew Mullins | March 10, 2017
                  Every now and then, life confronts you with a “you know there’s a problem when…” moment. For example, you know that…
Zach Montanaro | March 3, 2017
CNN has apparently decided that there just isn’t enough evidence that they and other media organizations are actively working to diminish President…
Tim Dionisopoulos | February 24, 2017
The New York Times is set to launch a television ad during the Academy Awards that seems to heavily target statements made by President Donald Trump…