Nick Kangadis | May 20, 2019
‘Waaah! Waaah! The “Game of Thrones” finale wasn't all I wanted it to be!’ Well, it’s done, so get over it. People have complained in droves about…
Brittany M. Hughes | January 28, 2019
HBO's Bill Maher mocked high school teens at Covington Catholic High School on his late night talk show Saturday in perhaps the sickest way possible…
Nick Kangadis | October 5, 2018
You know, Leftist talk show host Bill Maher gets a couple things right on a regular basis. His stances on free speech and the ills of Islam come to…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 11, 2018
Bill Maher just said that he actually hopes the economy tanks and Americans will suffer financial collapse if it means bringing down Donald Trump.…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 20, 2018
What modern liberals lack in class, they make up for in pettiness. Case in point: John Oliver, HBO’s late-night “comedian” known for making…
Nick Kangadis | March 7, 2018
The news media aren't the only ones on television pushing an agenda-driven narrative. There are tons of shows and movies all over the…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 5, 2018
It’s probably appropriate that "comedian" John Oliver’s late-night HBO show is called Last Week Tonight -- his material is about as old and tired as…
Mark Judge | August 7, 2017
(Author, Ta-Nehisi Coates) Best-selling author Ta-Nehisi Coates is outraged at “Confederate,” a prospective new show being produced by HBO. “…
ashley.rae | July 21, 2017
The creators of the HBO “Game of Thrones” television series have set their sights on an alternative history series that focuses on what would have…
Nick Kangadis | February 15, 2017
Let’s get ready to rumble!!! Okay, aggressively debate is more applicable in this situation, but you’ll understand in a second. According to the…
Jack Coleman | August 8, 2016
While predictably liberal nearly all the time he's on HBO, John Oliver does have his moments, as was the case during his program on Aug. 7, 2016 when…