kbrown | October 9, 2007
The Senate will vote on the U.N. Law of the Sea Treaty, which governs offshore territory. Reagan opposed it as do others today because it could…
kbrown | September 5, 2007
“Lou Dobbs Tonight” fill-in anchor Kitty Pilgrim followed up positive employment news with worries about the “devastated manufacturing sector” on Dec…
kbrown | July 13, 2007
CNN’s senior medical correspondent told Larry King that “47 million” Americans are uninsured during the July 13, 2007 “Larry King Live.”
kbrown | June 6, 2007
The president of the union that represents Wall Street Journal employees told CNN “Reliable Sources” on May 6, 2007 why the union is appalled at the…
kbrown | May 20, 2007
Glenn Beck exposes problems with the Kyoto treaty during his May 2, 2007 special.
kbrown | January 31, 2007
Lou Dobbs refuses to consider that global warming may not be occurring. He states that, "this broadcast we're going to assume that mankind has a…
kbrown | January 11, 2007
CNN anchor Miles O’Brien equated a hike in the minimum wage to a ‘raise’ for working Americans. But he was echoing the same misleading rhetoric of…
kbrown | December 8, 2006
CNN’s Lou Dobbs attacks an American manufacturing trade group as ‘mindless’ for its support of free trade. But the evidence shows free trade brings…
kbrown | October 27, 2006
"Lou Dobbs Tonight's" Kitty Pilgrim says " the war on this nation's middle class intensifies, politicians are now completely ignoring the…
kbrown | October 2, 2006
On "In the Money" Kurtz said "With the rise of Fox News and conservative talk radio and NPR on the left and certain liberal cable programs, there is…
kbrown | August 30, 2006
CNN’s Jack Cafferty entertains a conspiracy theory about gas prices on the August 30 “Situation Room.”
kbrown | August 1, 2006
The CNN “In the Money” crew pushes for a federal minimum wage increase, calling opponents’ arguments “a lot of bull.”