Nick Kangadis
Asst. Managing Editor/Blogger/On-Air Talent

Nick Kangadis is an alumnus of the University of Arizona - Global Campus, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude in Journalism & Mass Communications and minored in Political Science. He is currently the Assistant Managing Editor for MRCTV and MRC Culture.

Nick Kangadis | March 7, 2016
(Image: Getty Images/Ben Hider) What are the Democrats hiding, and why has all this history been swept under the rug? These are just two of the questions being asked in the trailer for Dinesh D’Souza’s brand new documentary, titled "Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party." (Image: Dinesh D'Souza/ The new trailer, which lasts a little longer than three…
Nick Kangadis | March 4, 2016
(Image: Getty Images) Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has pulled out of his speaking engagement at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this week. Trump's campaign explained the move in statement, shown here in a tweet posted by Caitlin MacNeal of Talking Points Memo: Trump might need to see if his campaign’s spell checker is working before he visits a…
Nick Kangadis | March 4, 2016
(Image: Mercury Press) Two parents in Scotland discovered they truly had “man’s best friend” when their dog’s repeated attention to their son helped alert them to their child's vision problems. Sharlene and Mark Snr, of South Lanarkshire, Scotland, always enjoyed how attentive and loving their dog Alfie had been with their five-year-old son, Mark Jr., since he was born. Alfie’s breed is a…
Nick Kangadis | March 3, 2016
Nine of the top 10 most “religious” states in the country voted Republican in each of the last four presidential elections. All but one of the top 10 most religious states have voted on the GOP side of the aisle with the exception of North Carolina who voted Republican in three out of the last four presidential elections. Interestingly enough eight out of the 11 (11 because of states that were…
Nick Kangadis | March 3, 2016
(Image: Palm Beach Post) A West Palm Beach, Fla. teen was ordered by a judge Wednesday to undergo a mental health assessment after being caught impersonating a doctor... again! Malachi Love-Robinson, 18, who was accused of impersonating a doctor in 2015, was charged on five counts of using another person’s identification without consent and one count of larceny.  According to the Sun-…
Nick Kangadis | March 3, 2016
(Image: Getty Images) In a follow-up to his executive action banning solitary confinement for juveniles, President Obama released a memorandum directing “the heads of executive departments and agencies” to limit the use of “restrictive housing” for all inmates, regardless of age. The obtuse title of the presidential memorandum reads: "Limiting the Use of Restrictive Housing by the Federal…
Nick Kangadis | March 2, 2016
Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse “The Body” Ventura told the Daily Beast that he is eyeing a third-party run at the presidency should Democratic candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders lose the nomination to Hillary Clinton. “They’re setting the groundwork for me because if Bernie loses, by the time we get to June, how sick are the people going to be of all these people?” said Ventura. Technically, Ventura…
Nick Kangadis | March 2, 2016
(Image: News Sentinel/Michael Patrick) Citizens across the country came out in force on “Super Tuesday” and obliterated the 2012 GOP voter turnout numbers. Eleven states participated in yesterday’s Republican primaries and caucuses, compared to 10 in 2012. On average, voter turnout was up 203 percent from four years ago. In Virginia alone, voting was up 382 percent. In 2012, the average per-…
Nick Kangadis | March 1, 2016
(Image: West Palm Beach PD) A West Palm Beach, Fla. teen is facing adult charges after assaulting a mother and her two-year-old child in January. The mother, whose name is unknown, was approached by Jackson, 17, at a bus stop on Jan. 18. After the woman asked if she could help him with something, Jackson grabbed for her purse.  When she did not make the robbery an easy one, he continued by…
Nick Kangadis | March 1, 2016
(Image: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Labratory) Scientists have successfully devised a way for people with a prosthetic hand to be able to move the fingers individually using their thoughts! The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET) reported that scientists at Johns Hopkins University have developed a way for patients to use their own brain waves to stimulate and move the…