Eric Scheiner
Director, MRCTV

Eric Scheiner is the Director of MRCTV, and has over 20 years experience in broadcasting and video production. Beginning his broadcasting career in the First-In-The-Nation Primary state of New Hampshire, politics, government spending and constitutional issues have been a major thread through his work. Eric left New England in 2005 to host the launch of the award winning 'WYOU Interactive' program for the Pennsylvania CBS affiliate before relocating to the DC area and joining with the Media Research Center.

Eric Scheiner | November 22, 2023
Fox News is reporting that the FBI is investigating a vehicle explosion Wednesday at the Rainbow Bridge border crossing between the U.S. and Canada.
Eric Scheiner | November 22, 2023
He was convicted in Brazil for the disturbing rape of a 5 year-old, instead of going to jail, he illegally entered the U.S.
Eric Scheiner | November 22, 2023
Cardoso Ferreira was convicted in Brazil for the disturbing rape of a 5 year-old and was sentenced to 14 years in prison in 2019. Instead of going to jail, it seems he illegally entered the U.S. The 37 year-old was arrested in Martha’s Vineyard last week. According to an ICE press release: “This undocumented Brazilian national represented a significant threat to the inhabitants of Martha’s…
Eric Scheiner | November 21, 2023
Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY) announced Tuesday that she has asked the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services to create a “Media Literacy Tool Kit for K-12 Schools.” “By teaching younger New Yorkers about how to discern between digital fact and digital fiction, we can better inoculate them from hatred and the spread of it,” Hochul said in her announcement. "This will teach students…
Eric Scheiner | November 10, 2023
In this week’s Wacky Moments of Leftist Extremism: New bad Biden polls had ABC, CBS, and NBC very upset with voters. Reactions ranged from disgust to outright petrification over the “frightening” “wakeup call” these polls represent and all the doom and gloom that would happen if Biden was to lose his bid for a second term. Such is the derangement at MSNBC that this week’s GOP presidential…
Eric Scheiner | November 9, 2023
Two armed robbers entered a Mesquite, Texas Cash-4-Gold store last week, only to be offered some free lead from an armed store owner. The store owner, only identified as Tien told Fox 4 News this is the third time someone's tried to rob him in the past five years, and each time he’s thwarted them with his own handgun. "Everything was slow motion to me. I saw the mask, I saw the hoodie, I…
Eric Scheiner | November 8, 2023
When asked about the conflict between Hamas and Israel, the GOP presidential candidates all made it clear they stand with Israel. “Number one, I would tell prime minister Netanyahu , not only to wipe Hamas off of the map -we will support you, we will be there with you, we will stand shoulder to shoulder.” Sen. Tim Scott said during Wednesday’s debate. “I would be telling Bibi to finish the…
Eric Scheiner | November 8, 2023
Through a bi-partisan vote Tuesday the House censured Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) for "promoting false narratives" around the Oct. 7 terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel and "calling for the destruction of the state of Israel."  22 Democrats voted with a Republican majority for Tlaib’s censure. “With everything going on, using a phrase that is well known calling for the elimination of an…