Notable Quotables

Kyle Drennen | September 18, 2009
CBS White House correspondent Bill Plante explains how First Lady Michelle Obama is the "stealth weapon" in the health care reform debate.
Brent Baker | September 15, 2009
NBC on Tuesday night joined the effort to undermine the anti-Obama tea party participants by smearing them as racists. Brian Williams touted how “…
Brent Baker | September 15, 2009
ABC on Tuesday night joined the effort to undermine the anti-Obama tea party participants by smearing them as racists. Dan Harris framed a story…
Geoffrey | September 15, 2009
Chris Matthews, on Tuesday’s Hardball, insinuated racism may have been behind Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst against President Obama, at last week’s…
Geoffrey | September 15, 2009
Time's Joe Klein claims townhallers are racists that are "being egged on by the demagogues in, in the Republican Party, by Boss Rush Limbaugh. And I…
Kyle Drennen | September 14, 2009
CBS Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer denounced South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilson shouting "you lie" at President Obama as an "ugly sign of the…
Brent Baker | September 12, 2009
Friday night on his HBO show, Bill Maher tried to discredit critics of President Barack Obama, including those concerned about his talk to school…
Brent Baker | September 10, 2009
Some very friendly assessments of President Barack Obama's health care address Wednesday night to a joint session of Congress. MSNBC's Keith…
Brent Baker | September 9, 2009
“It's a sad day to see a man of good work get so little credit,” CNN senior political analyst David Gergen regretted about Van Jones on Monday's…
Ken Shepherd | September 8, 2009
From the Sunday September 6 "Nightly News": Lester Holt asking the New York Times's John Harwood if former Obama "green jobs czar" Van Jones was the…
Geoffrey | September 3, 2009
Move over Al Gore, NBC's Meredith Vieira and Natalie Morales have discovered the new face of global warming and it's a glacier.
Ken Shepherd | September 2, 2009
On the Saturday August 29 "Good Morning America," ABC touted a German city that has rid itself of all cars. Reporter Jim Sciutto tried to find…