Notable Quotables

Kyle Drennen | July 28, 2010
On ABC's World News, anchor Diane Sawyer and correspondent Bill Weir fret over illegal immigrants leaving Arizona before the state's new immigration…
Geoffrey | July 27, 2010
Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's Hardball, accused Fox News of "whipping up white hysteria" over allegations of the New Black Panther Party intimidating…
Matthew Balan | July 23, 2010
Rick Sanchez, who once claimed he "played it down the middle," denied he was being ideological in his slam of Fox News during a segment with former…
Alex Fitzsimmons | July 22, 2010
On the July 22nd airing of MSNBC's News Live, host Contessa Brewer claims despite all of President Obama accomplishments, she incites, "What else do…
Ken Shepherd | July 22, 2010
Exhibiting an extreme case of the media euphoria over Shirley Sherrod’s vindication, moments before Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack appeared…
Scott Whitlock | July 20, 2010
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos grilled Rep. Michelle Bachmann on July 20, asking the Congresswoman if the Tea Party will "undermine"…
Geoffrey | July 19, 2010
Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, commanded tea partiers to tear down racist signs at rallies.
Ken Shepherd | July 19, 2010
"An earthquake hits Washington," fill-in ABC anchor David Muir announced on July 16's "World News" as he gushed that "it comes as the President wraps…
Geoffrey | July 16, 2010
NBC's Chuck Todd, in an interview with the President aired on Friday's Today show, lets Barack Obama off the hook on controversial Berwick…
Geoffrey | July 14, 2010
Chris Matthews, on Wednesday's Hardball, asks South Carolina Republican Congressman Bill Inglis how GOPers in his state can vote for an Indian-…
Scott Whitlock | July 14, 2010
MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan appeared on Morning Joe, Wednesday, to dismiss Barack Obama as a "little boy" in the eyes of Wall Street and to assert the…
Geoffrey | July 13, 2010
Chris Matthews on Monday's Hardball asked Maryland Democrat Chris Van Hollen: "What percentage of the Republican Party would you put in the nut bag…