Media Research Center

Ken Shepherd | March 19, 2009
Liberal "View" co-host Joy Behar appeared on Thursday's edition of "Good Morning America" to promote her new children's book "SheetzuCacaPoopoo," an…
Rich Noyes | March 18, 2009
On his syndicated The Chris Matthews Show on March 8, Chris Matthews slammed conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh as "a human vat of…
Scott Whitlock | March 17, 2009
MSNBC host David Shuster, the man who is on the same network as Keith Olbermann, suggested on "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue" that networks should have "…
Ken Shepherd | March 17, 2009 featured in the March 16 "Grapevine" segment on FNC's "Special Report w/Bret Baier."
Brent Baker | March 14, 2009
Alexandra Pelosi's HBO documentary, Right America: Feeling Wronged -- Some Voices from the Campaign Trail, certainly caricatured McCain-Palin voters…
khanna | March 10, 2009
In a July 27, 1991 special, Fidel Castro, One on One, ABC’s Brent Musburger gave Cuba a positive review: "There are many Cubans who find their lives…
khanna | March 9, 2009
"They are the healthiest and most educated young people in Cuba’s history. For that, many of them say they have Castro and his socialist revolution…
khanna | March 9, 2009
"He [Fidel Castro] said he wanted to make a better life for Cuba’s poor. Many who lived through the revolution say he succeeded....Today even the…
khanna | March 9, 2009
"...there is no question that Castro feels a very deep and abiding connection to those Cubans who are still in Cuba. And, I recognize this might be…
khanna | March 5, 2009
On an April 2000 NBC Nightly News, reporter Jim Avila touted the "Cuban good life" Elian Gonzalez could have under Castro: "...Elian’s future here…
khanna | March 5, 2009
In January 1998 on CNN’s The World Today, Havana bureau chief Lucia Newman even managed to put a positive spin on Castro’s rigged one-party elections…
khanna | March 5, 2009
In October 2002, ABC’s Barbara Walters traveled to Cuba for an exclusive interview with Castro. She fawned, "For Castro, freedom starts with…