U.S. Soccer Star Alleges Racism When Bartender Asks Him To Pay For A Drink

John Simmons | September 8, 2022
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Soccer players are generally known for whining and acting dumbfounded when they are penalized for committing obvious fouls or doing something wrong in matches. Apparently, some do the same thing in real life.

Last Saturday, Atlanta United (MLS) and U.S. international defender Miles Robinson was arrested outside of the PBR Bar near Truist Park in Atlanta, GA for refusing to pay for a five-dollar shot of alcohol. 

According to a police report obtained by ESPN, Robinson took a shot from a drink tray but didn’t pay for it. The bartender alerted management when this happened, and the higher-ups proceeded to escort Robinson off the premises and call local police.

Once the officers arrived on the scene, one detective calmly told Robinson that “all he had to do was pay his bill and that if he did not pay the bill the manager wanted to press charges for theft.” It was that simple. But like a stubborn toddler he refused to settle the tab.

"All this over five dollars, bro…,” was Robinson’s only response to the offer.

The officers then arrested him and Robinson was charged with a misdemeanor theft. The defender was later released on $150 bond. 

To put the icing on the cake, Robinson accused the bartender of being racist, and that he was targeted because he was the only black person in the bar.

“You only want to listen to the racist bartender, you aren’t going to listen to me,” Robisnon said

The reason why authorities didn’t listen to Robinson was he gave them no reason too. 

He was clearly in the wrong from the start, and he walked through that whole situation with an air of entitlement. He indirectly stated that he deserved special treatment - for whatever reason - and that the bar management were being sticklers for demanding that he do the one thing every customer should do when they want food or drink served to them in a restaurant: pay the dang fee.

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And if it was truly only five dollars, why couldn’t Robinson shell out the money he needed to be done with the situation, and persist in his obstinance when officers gave him a chance to avoid having charges pressed against him and being arrested?  

It is hilarious that a millionaire athlete wouldn’t pay for a five-dollar shot. But the accusation of racism, while completely stupid, might be the most humorous part of the whole ordeal. It was exactly the type of response that someone as bullheaded as Robinson would give in that situation, even though the restaurant manager was completely in the right. Robinson persisted to the end in his attempt to shirk responsibility for his actions, and to his credit, he did a phenomenal job.

It's probably safe to say that PBR Bar won’t have to worry about Robinson walking through its doors any time soon.