Tyranny: DC Schools To Expel Students Who Don't Get the COVID Vaccine

Patrick Taylor | August 5, 2022
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Just as it feels like we’re finally experiencing the death rattle of Covidian hysteria, the Washington D.C. school district is becoming one of the few to stick firmly to their harmful ideology, students be damned.

At the start of the next academic year, the D.C. school district will require COVID-19 vaccinations for all students over the age of 12 in order to attend school, even as America witnesses confirmation after confirmation that burdensome COVID-19 restrictions have negatively impacted children’s education and wellbeing

D.C. is one of only a few school districts nationwide to implement such a policy, which mandates that students have 20 days from the first day of school to get fully vaxxed before they are barred from attendance.

“Our goal is that no child should miss a single day of school, and that means we need to get started now,” Asad Bandealy, the chief of the D.C. Department of Health’s Health Care Access Bureau, said.

Related: Midterm Variant? HHS Sec Predicts COVID Spike In the Fall

What are they getting started on “now”? A massive propaganda campaign, rather than anything seriously productive.

As part of their plan, the city government will unleash a multi-pronged effort aimed at getting children jabbed, including mailed fliers, advertisements at bus stations, and mobile vaccination vans.

Religious and physician-approved medical exemptions will be honored in the district, leaving some recourse for unvaccinated students. Still, though, it is likely that some unvaccinated students will be left without a choice if they can’t get an exemption — especially considering the mandate also applies to public charter and private schools.