Trump Dubs Democrats ‘Party of Late Term Abortion’

Monica Sanchez | January 31, 2019

President Trump early Thursday morning gave the Democratic Party a new title:

“Party of late term abortion.”

He added that Democrats are also the party of “high taxes” and “Open Borders and Crime,” as they continue to refuse to provide funding to construct a wall on the U.S.-Southern border.

His remarks come amid outrage over moves by Democrats in states such as New York and Virginia to remove restrictions on third-term abortions and allow for the killing of babies even after birth. New York has succeeded at passing its late-term abortion bill. Now Virginia is following suit.

The president in an interview on Wednesday responded to Virginia Democrats following in the steps of New York, calling it “terrible” and adding that the efforts will “lift up the pro-life movement like maybe it’s never been lifted before.”

The Virginia bill has since been tabled, following outrage across the nation after a video went viral of the bill’s author Del. Kathy Tran saying that an abortion could take place up until the moment of birth, even during active labor. 

(Cover Photo: Flickr / Gage Skidmore)