Responses To Donald Trump Jr's Halloween Tweet Conflate Socialism With Sharing

ashley.rae | November 1, 2017

Donald Trump Jr.’s Halloween tweet proves socialists have no concept of humor or a basic understanding of the economic system they claim to support.

On Halloween, Donald Trump Jr. posted a photo of his daughter, Chloe, and joked that he was going to be be redistributing her candy to the kids who stayed home instead of trick-or-treating to teach her about socialism:

Despite the fact that Trump Jr.’s post was clearly a lighthearted joke, the internet was soon ablaze with people who were “schooling” the president’s son on what socialism actually means. As expected, to liberals, socialism merely means sharing out of the kindness of your own heart, not government programs to forcibly redistribute the wealth:

Sources such as CNN, USA Today, the Guardian, and Twitter’s moments section all joined in sharing tweets that compared the horrors endured under socialism to Kindergarten-variety “sharing is caring.”

Although it apparently once went without saying, the difference between giving out Halloween candy to kids on the street because you want to participate in the neighborhood activity is not the same thing as being forced to give X-percent of your income in taxes to people or else be faced with jail time.

The blatant apologism for real socialism, however, should come as no surprise: support for socialism is on the rise with youth.

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