Rachel Dolezal is Selling a 2018 Calendar

ashley.rae | December 8, 2017

When Rachel Dolezal isn’t making her own homemade lollipops or “melanin spectrum dolls,” she’s posing for her very own calendar.

On Dolezal’s website, she offers a 2018 calendar, complete with photos of herself. If those photos aren’t enough, the description claims the calendar also includes Dolezal’s inspirational quotes along with important facts about black history.

2018 Calendar featuring photos of Rachel Dolezal by four portrait photographers & her own inspirational quotes.~With dozens of important birthdays and Black History facts throughout the year.Traditional wall-size calendar (11×17″) from January – December 2018.

The inspirational quotes include “Stay woke & ready to change the world. You never know when an important opportunity will arise” and “Living in full color means stepping outside of the boxes prescribed by society & following the nature of your soul.”

According to the website, the calendars are all out of stock.

The calendars were originally $18.00, but Dolezal offered a Black Friday deal for $14.99.

The calendar was criticized by U.S. House of Representatives candidate Brianna Wu, who is famous for her role in Gamergate:

(Image source: Facebook)