Even Majority of Pro-Abortion Americans Oppose Lifting Third-Trimester Restrictions

Monica Sanchez | January 31, 2019

A new Marist poll reveals that a majority of pro-abortion Americans (66%) oppose lifting restrictions on third-trimester abortions, despite the morally repugnant crusade by Democrats in states like New York and Virginia to allow abortion up until birth.


Even more, they support “substantial abortion restrictions” and would restrict abortions to the first three months of pregnancy.

The Washington Times reports,

The survey found that 81 percent of Americans and 66 percent of those who identify as pro-choice would restrict abortion to - at most - the first three months of pregnancy. Eighty two percent of women agree with that. The pollster says these findings have been consistent for the last eight years.

In addition, 55 percent of American overall agree that ‘abortion ultimately does a woman more harm than good’; 56 percent of women and 27 percent of pro-choice advocates agree. Six in 10 Americans - including 61 percent of women - say abortion is ‘morally wrong.’ One-third of pro-choice Americans agree.

Another 77 percent overall - including 79 percent of women and 71 percent of pro-choice supporters - say that laws can protect both a mother and her unborn child. Seventeen percent of Americans overall, 15 percent of women, 23 percent of pro-choice identifiers disagree.

The poll released this week comes after the state of New York passed a bill allowing abortion up until birth and Democrats in Virginia attempted to follow suit.

The percentage of Americans who say abortion should be restricted to the first three trimesters of pregnancy went up six percentage points from 75 percent to 81 percent since the last Marist poll in early January, likely as a result of the horror and pure disgust surrounding the abortion bills. 

The Virginia abortion bill has since been tabled, following outrage across the nation after a video went viral of the bill’s author Del. Kathy Tran saying that an abortion could take place up until the moment of birth, even during active labor. 

She walked back her comments on Thursday, saying that she "misspoke" and "really regret that."

Virginia’s governor remains under fire for suggesting that mothers could decide to kill their born-alive infants by leaving them without medical care – though he says he has no regrets for his remarks.