Monica Sanchez
Assistant Editor, Reporter

Monica is MRCTV’s assistant editor and West Coast correspondent. Prior to working at MRCTV, Monica worked for CNS News and The Heritage Foundation, operating primarily in digital media and video production. 

Monica Sanchez | September 13, 2016
(Image via Screenshot) On Sunday, more than 160 New Zealand firefighters performed a special haka to honor their American colleagues who died serving their country on 9/11. During the annual Memorial Firefighter Stair Climb ceremony at Sky Tower in Auckland, the names of all 343 New York Fire Department firefighters were read aloud, along with the names of 57 New Zealand firefighters who have…
Monica Sanchez | September 12, 2016
(Image via Twitter) On Monday night’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” Fox News host Bill O’Reilly slammed Hillary Clinton for calling half of Donald Trump’s supporters “deplorables,” meaning people who are racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic.   O'Reilly called Clinton's statement plain “lunacy.” “Few people, but not 50% of Trump supporters,” he said. “That’s lunacy. That smears millions of…
Monica Sanchez | September 12, 2016
(Image via Screenshot) When Ben Ellis could no longer show up to school to teach his classes due to an aggressive battle with cancer, a group of over 400 students from Nashville’s Christ Presbyterian Academy gathered outside his home to comfort him by doing what he loves:  Singing songs of worship. Ellis, who teaches Latin and Bible studies at the school, had been teaching until last week,…
Monica Sanchez | September 9, 2016
(Image via Screenshot) Donald Trump pledged during an address to the 2016 Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., on Friday that, if elected, he would defend the nation’s Christian heritage. The Republican presidential nominee argued that politicians like his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton and President Obama “have abandoned" Christians and their right to religious freedom.  “[In] a Trump…
Monica Sanchez | September 8, 2016
(Image via Screenshot) Donald Trump said during the "Commander-in-Chief" forum hosted by NBC Wednesday night that Vladimir Putin is a stronger leader than President Obama.  Republican vice presidential candidate and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence echoed his running mate's remarks in an interview with CNN on Thursday. Following a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif…
Monica Sanchez | September 8, 2016
(Image via Twitter) Hillary Clinton held her first formal press conference in over nine months on Thursday.  She took the opportunity to air out her frustrations with the media’s coverage of her presidential campaign, suggesting that the Trump campaign has somehow received better treatment. “I’ve been somewhat heartened by articles recently pointing out the disparate treatment of Trump and…
Monica Sanchez | September 8, 2016
(Image via Screenshot) Republican vice presidential candidate and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence delivered a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif., on Thursday. Throughout his remarks, Pence attempted to draw parallels between Donald Trump and beloved former U.S. President Ronald Reagan. He said that, like Trump, Reagan was first “mocked and dismissed in many ways…
Monica Sanchez | September 8, 2016
(Image via Twitter) Hillary Clinton criticized her Republican rival Donald Trump on Thursday ahead of a speech by his running mate Indiana Gov. Mike Pence at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Before speaking at a rally in North Carolina, Clinton held her first formal press conference since December, where she told reporters that many presidents, including Ronald Reagan, “would just be…
Monica Sanchez | September 7, 2016
(Image via Screenshot) Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said during a forum hosted by NBC News Wednesday night that undocumented immigrants that seek to serve in the military and obtain legal status present a “very special circumstance.” “The military is a very special thing,” said Trump, speaking before an audience at the carrier Intrepid in New York City. “If they plan on…
Monica Sanchez | September 7, 2016
(Image via Twitter) Rounding out his trip to Southern California, Republican vice presidential candidate and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is set to deliver a speech at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif., on Thursday. The event sold out as early as Tuesday morning at $65 per person, the Reagan Foundation told MRCTV.  Pence will speak before a crowd of 740 people, drawing over $…