Craig Bannister
Craig Bannister | May 20, 2015
Pres. Obama closed his commencement address to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy today by telling cadets the story of racist, murderous “white mobs” that destroyed African America businesses back in 1921. Obama told the audience of how the first African-American woman to serve in the Coast Guard was victimized by the white mobs when she was six year old: “And I want to leave you with a story that…
Craig Bannister | May 19, 2015
Today, Fifty-two House members called on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner John Koskinen to review the Clinton Foundation’s tax-exempt status. The letter from Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and signed by 51 of her colleagues asks Koskinen to respond within 30 days. The letter cites a “substantial public interest” in the millions of dollars received and foreign business deals brokered…
Craig Bannister | May 15, 2015
George Stephanopoulos said he doesn’t believe media bias exists when asked at the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. When he discovered he was being interviewed by the Media Research Center and was asked to confirm his answer, he simply walked away without responding.
Craig Bannister | May 14, 2015
The DCCC is fundraising by asking donors to help fight a non-existent Republican lawsuit. A May 12 e-mail with the subject line “Obama faces BLIND HATRED” by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) opens with an untrue headline employing bold-face type in all caps: “BREAKING: REPUBLICANS LAUNCH ANTI-OBAMA LAWSUIT” In fact, Republicans did not launch an “anti-Obama lawsuit” –…
Craig Bannister | May 13, 2015
“I’m running for president in 2016,” Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush told reporters today - before changing his story to “if I run.” In the video, Bush appears to correct himself in mid-sentence while explaining what he would've done differently from his brother as president: "I'm running for president in 2016, and the focus is gonna be about how we - if I run - how do you create high, sustained…
Craig Bannister | May 12, 2015
“People don’t like being poor,” Pres. Obama declared at a “Conversation on Poverty at Georgetown University” today. And, one of the worst things about being poor is the time it takes, Obama said: “People don’t like being poor.  It’s time-consuming it’s stressful.  It’s hard.  And so over time, families frayed.  Men who could not get jobs left.  Mothers who are single are not able to read as…
Craig Bannister | May 8, 2015
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents at a Laredo, Texas port of entry stung a honey bee smuggling operation, seizing a cache of undeclared live queen and worker honey bees from a group of travelers in a pickup truck. The bust of undocumented alien bees is unprecedented, Port Director Joseph Misenhelter says: “This interception of multiple colonies of live honey bees is an unusual…
Craig Bannister | May 7, 2015
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is opening traffic lanes and expanding hours in anticipation of an overnight surge in traffic across the border into the U.S. for Mother’s Day. “Mother’s Day is a time when many people will cross the border to spend time with their loved ones,” said CBP El Paso Director of Field Operations Hector Mancha. “One area of added emphasis is the 10 p.m. until 2…
Craig Bannister | May 7, 2015
Three illegal aliens - two child molesters and and a homicide suspect - were caught entering the U.S. in Laredo, Texas - all in one day. On Monday, May 4, 2015, agents assigned to the Laredo West Station arrested a male Honduran national who was had been charged and convicted in 2012 in Houston, Texas for Sexual Assault of a Child.  Later that evening, Zapata Station agents arrested a male…
Craig Bannister | May 6, 2015
In a Cinco de Mayo speech at the White House yesterday, Pres. Obama touted his plan to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants by suggesting revolution is necessary to accomplish his goals: “The story of America is a story of progress – and it’s often written by people who come here with a vision of what’s possible, and are willing to take risks and aspire to something bigger than what they’ve…