Bill D'Agostino
Bill D'Agostino | June 23, 2022
Under stern questioning from a caller about the media obsession with Russian collusion on C-SPAN's Washington Journal on Tuesday, USA Today White House correspondent Joey Garrison and Bloomberg congressional reporter Jarrell Dillard insist they try to hold all politicians accountable and don't have biased double standards. 
Bill D'Agostino | June 23, 2022
[See NewsBusters for our full study.] Over the last two months a wave of radical, pro-abortion terror has swept across the country, firebombings of pro-life organizations, intimidation of individuals, and destruction of property.  But you wouldn’t know the perpetrator if you watched ABC, CBS, NBC and MSNBC. They refuse to say the name of the group responsible: Jane’s Revenge. Shockingly, the…
Bill D'Agostino | June 6, 2022
How “bipartisan” is the January 6 Committee really? We’ve put together a little guessing game for viewers to see how well they can distinguish between two prominent committee members from opposing parties: Nancy Pelosi, and Liz Cheney (R-WY).
Bill D'Agostino | May 18, 2022
If speaking candidly about Democrat-engineered demographic change causes mass shootings, then the media are culpable for the tragedy in Buffalo. Regardless of whether the “demographics are destiny” thesis proves true, the establishment media can’t run away from their track record of endorsing it.
Bill D'Agostino | May 12, 2022
It’s been nearly two weeks since the Supreme Court’s draft opinion on Roe v. Wade was leaked, and TV journalists are still struggling to come to grips with the news. But although the hysterics haven’t ceased, the talking heads do appear to have decided on a messaging strategy: that this decision signals the beginning of a massive Judicial rollback of 14th individual rights.
Bill D'Agostino | May 4, 2022
It’s been a rough week for America’s left, and particularly for the media. All day Tuesday, TV journalists used their national platform to vent all of their despair and rage over the leaked Supreme Court draft heralding the death of Roe v. Wade. And boy, did it get emotional.
Bill D'Agostino | April 28, 2022
If you relied exclusively on broadcast or liberal cable networks for your news, you’d likely be surprised to learn that Florida’s recently-passed education law was not officially titled, “the Don’t Say Gay law.” An MRC analysis found that TV networks almost exclusively referred to the law by this politically-charged epithet, with most outlets only using the law’s official name one or two times in…
Bill D'Agostino | April 20, 2022
This week, the applause of airline passengers celebrating their first masked flights in years was met with sullen glares and stern warnings from TV news’s greatest health experts. The Biden Administration’s mask mandate was struck down Monday by Federal Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, much to the chagrin of the mask-loving media. Legal and medical experts alike were immediately shoved in front of…
Bill D'Agostino | April 13, 2022
Despite all the media “debunking,” and fact-checking, and censoring, and Russia-ing back in 2020, Hunter Biden’s laptop has proven to be legitimate. Given how aggressive the press were in their coordinated effort to tar the story as a wacky conspiracy theory, you’d think they might have learned something from their mistakes. But they haven't.
Bill D'Agostino | April 7, 2022
Remember that seven-hour gap in the White House call logs from January 6, 2021 — the one that turned out to be a complete nothing burger? It’s worth noting how much time and energy journalists wasted speculating about these call logs, because it's yet another example of the media’s willingness to push any story, no matter how dubious, so long as it aligns with their political goals.