MRC Latino | April 11, 2024
  LESTER HOLT:  We'll turn to the economy. Stock markets way down across the board today. The Dow losing more than 400 points after disappointing news about inflation. The government said inflation accelerated to 3.5% in March from a year ago, that was up from a 3.2% increase in prices in February. … PETER ALEXANDER: Another challenge for the Biden campaign: the economy, with today's headline…
MRC Latino | April 11, 2024
  LESTER HOLT:  We'll turn to the economy. Stock markets way down across the board today. The Dow losing more than 400 points after disappointing news about inflation. The government said inflation accelerated to 3.5% in March from a year ago, that was up from a 3.2% increase in prices in February. … PETER ALEXANDER: Another challenge for the Biden campaign: the economy, with today's headline…
MRC Latino | April 10, 2024
  RACHEL SCOTT: Today, the Biden campaign saying Donald Trump set out to overturn abortion rights in America, and he did. Insisting Trump "owns the suffering and chaos happening right now." And when asked his message to the people of Arizona, a key campaign battleground, tonight, President Biden was blunt -- "Elect me."  WHIT JOHNSON: Rachel Scott with us now from Phoenix. And Rachel, as you…
MRC Latino | April 10, 2024
  DAVID MUIR: So, this is really shaping up to be an issue that could affect the presidential race in November. Rachel Scott back with us tonight covering the race for president. And, of course, not just in Arizona, but how many presidential battlegrounds, these are the key states in the Electoral College, that help decide the presidential race, will have voters not only deciding in the race for…
MRC Latino | April 10, 2024
  DAVID MUIR: So, this is really shaping up to be an issue that could affect the presidential race in November. Rachel Scott back with us tonight covering the race for president. And, of course, not just in Arizona, but how many presidential battlegrounds, these are the key states in the Electoral College, that help decide the presidential race, will have voters not only deciding in the race for…
MRC Latino | April 9, 2024
  LESTER HOLT: And for his part, President Biden was courting young voters whose support for the president is slipping, according to polls. The White House announcing a plan to wipe out student debt for millions more Americans. Gabe Gutierrez is in Wisconsin with more.  SETH MCCLURE: It felt almost impossible.  GABE GUTIERREZ: Former public school teacher Seth McCclure had been paying off his…
MRC Latino | April 7, 2024
BEN MANKIEWICZ: The audience will certainly be talking about the film's president, who we learn is serving a third term and has abolished the FBI.  PRESIDENT: Some are already calling it the greatest victory in the history of military campaigns.  MANKIEWICZ: He is played by Nick Offerman, who says the character was not inspired by any Commander-in-Chief, past or present. Offerman does say the…
MRC Latino | April 7, 2024
SARAH ISGUR: There are 129 hostages still being held by Hamas that were taken on October 7th. I think that Netanyahu at this point should offer a very simple cease-fire option. By the way, the Hamas side has rejected the six-week cease-fires that have been offered time and time again by Israel. Offer a simple cease-fire. Return all of the hostages, they actually hold 133, in exchange for a cease-…
MRC Latino | April 7, 2024
MARTHA RADDATZ: Donna, I want to go to you first and just quickly. Alex (Burns, Politico) made the point that President Biden doesn't talk about the wars very often. Should he?  DONNA BRAZILE:. Absolutely. Not just in Israel, Ukraine. We’re a super power. He is the Commander-in-Chief, absolutely. He should speak out more. And also, we should cover what he’s saying. Because often, when he speaks…
MRC Latino | April 4, 2024
DAVID MUIR: Back in this country, and a major setback for Donald Trump tonight. A Florida judge rejecting Trump's attempt to have the classified records case thrown out. Here's Pierre Thomas.  PIERRE THOMAS: Tonight, a Florida federal judge rejecting Donald Trump's effort to get the classified documents case against him thrown out of court. Trump had argued the Presidential Records Act gave him…