
melanie.hunter | September 1, 2015
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) told "Fox and Friends" last week that the most offensive thing about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton…
Barbara Boland | March 3, 2015
An MRCTV exclusive report Obama is called a friend to terrorists in an Iraqi comedy, Egyptian pop song, and Saudi op-ed. "President Obama" calls…
Barbara Boland | March 2, 2015
The fight against ISIS “has to be unified” and bring “Muslims, Christians, and other religions” together in “a third World War by other means,” said…
Barbara Boland | February 20, 2015
“I cannot accept that poverty leads to terrorism,” Ahmed Aboutaleb, the Muslim mayor of Rotterdam, told CNN Wednesday, taking issue with the Obama…
Craig Bannister | February 18, 2015
In light of the Administration’s plan to quadruple the admission of Syrian refugees admitted to the U.S., a warning from the president of the union…
Barbara Boland | February 18, 2015
Invited on to CNN’s The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer to clarify her earlier statement that “a lack of opportunity for jobs” was the driving force…
Eric Scheiner | February 17, 2015
Intelligence Official: 'There Are Three Ways to Deal With a Terrorist'   See More at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/intelligence-…
Eric Scheiner | February 10, 2015
Rice on Releasing Gitmo Terrorists: We’ll ‘Keep Going Until We Finish the Job’   See More at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/penny-starr/rice-…
Barbara Boland | February 6, 2015
King Abdullah II of Jordan personally led bombings against ISIS, people said – and although that rumor is untrue, these photos show how a modern-…
Eric Scheiner | January 7, 2015
DOD: Killing Terrorists 'Not the Goal' in Fight Against ISIS/ISIL   See More at: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/dod-killing-…
Monica Sanchez | December 12, 2014
A widow whose husband was killed in 9/11 called out the U.S. government for harping over what happened after the terrorist attack instead of…
Monica Sanchez | December 11, 2014
During a rare televised press conference, CIA Director John Brennan said that his agency’s Bush-era enhanced interrogation techniques used on…