New York

Nick Kangadis | January 4, 2022
These days, in far-left cities and states, it feels like you can literally get away with murder. As Townhall reported, according to a statement…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 28, 2021
A video is going viral today showing New Your City police officers removing a mother and her young son from a restaurant for being unvaccinated. The…
Nick Kangadis | December 10, 2021
It would be a far-left U.S. city if there wasn’t some level of authoritarianism thrust on its people just in time for the Christmas season. New York…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 24, 2021
Many observers watching the Wisconsin-based trial of 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse and his subsequent acquittal on all counts likely see the rabies-…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 8, 2021
As if insufferably self-absorbed New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio had not engaged in enough coercive, mob-style, do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do idiocy during…
Nick Kangadis | October 1, 2021
As we all know, some protests and protesters can be a little — for lack of a better term — nutty. But, depending on what they’re protesting, it…
Nick Kangadis | September 13, 2021
College football stadiums typically have a lot of "traditions" that they perform on a weekly basis. But for the second weekend in a row, a new…
Nick Kangadis | August 26, 2021
  Welcome back one more time for another edition of Things That Need To Be Said. I can't believe you were actually allowed to see this! If you…
Gabriel Hays | August 24, 2021
On his way out of office, alleged serial sexual harasser and nursing home COVID killer Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) is pardoning some very hefty…
Nick Kangadis | August 16, 2021
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s gubernatorial aspirations may have hit a snag over the weekend as people took to the streets to protest his most…
Nick Kangadis | August 11, 2021
Oh, the city of Chicago — the [insert West Coast city here] of the Midwest. They will place restrictions on regular, law-abiding folks, but ignore…
Nick Kangadis | August 10, 2021
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) resigned his post on Tuesday following a damning sexual harassment report that came out last week. "The best way…