New York City

Nick Kangadis | June 29, 2023
Condescension and race hustling is what you get when you elect a far-left activist as your mayor, as is the case with New York City Mayor Eric Adams…
Emma Campbell | June 27, 2023
One New Yorker held a “pizza party” at City Hall on Monday - by throwing pizzas at the building in protest of proposed regulations on coal- and wood-…
Emma Campbell | June 26, 2023
New York City Mayor Eric Adams sent migrants from his city across the country—and the globe—after criticizing Republican governors for busing…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 8, 2023
Mayor Eric Adams is such a welcomer of illegal aliens, such a champion of poor and downtrodden migrants, he’s suing neighboring counties and towns…
Ken Meekins | June 8, 2023
New York City unveiled their new plan for fighting rampant drug overdoses - by installing vending machines that dispense free crack pipes.  As part…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 23, 2023
A New York woman was walking down a subway platform in Manhattan minding her own business when a stranger came up behind her and randomly shoved her…
Eric Scheiner | May 16, 2023
New York City leaders are facing criticism for reportedly housing migrants in a school gyms. The New York Post reports that at least seven schools…
Nick Kangadis | May 16, 2023
At least some people understand reality when they see it and aren’t easily led into believing whatever the propaganda media are pushing as their…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 15, 2023
Update: The Yerik Israel Toney Foundation has walked back their claims that more than a dozen homeless veterans were kicked out of update New York…
Nick Kangadis | May 15, 2023
Even when indoctrinated college students occasionally get it right and protest the people actually negatively affecting all of our lives, they get it…
Nick Kangadis | May 12, 2023
We’re currently at a point in our society where in larger American cities, it’s more personally beneficial to do nothing when you see someone in…