
Joe Schoffstall | June 17, 2010
A new video has been released that pieces together the Gaza Flotilla incident that blatantly shows Israel was acting in self-defense, not as the…
Stephen Gutowski | June 9, 2010
Well... who didn't see this coming (h/t allahpundit): "Respected American journalist Helen Thomas's answer shows ... a courageous, bold, honest and…
Stephen Gutowski | June 8, 2010
In case you're wondering exactly what the Israeli's are up against there's this (h/t Walid Shoebat) (Mild Content Warning): It may be 2 years old…
Joe Schoffstall | June 7, 2010
Reuters, who has been caught in the past doctoring photos from the second Lebanese war, has once again used the magic of Photoshop. This time aboard…
Jpoor | June 6, 2010
Predictable: CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Blames Bush for Israeli Flotilla Tragedy
Stephen Gutowski | June 4, 2010
Here is some shocking new audio coming out of the Gaza flotilla incident. Apparently these super peaceful peace activists are no fans of Jews or the…
Joe Schoffstall | June 4, 2010
Helen Thomas, the seemingly anti-Semitic White House Correspondent who just a couple day's ago lashed out at White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs…
Stephen Gutowski | June 2, 2010
On Memorial day in Los Angeles there was a protest of Israel's actions against the peace flotilla filled with super-peaceful activists whose only…
admin | June 2, 2010
You remember them right; those poor, unfortunate souls trapped behind that inhumane Israeli blockade? Well, as we've seen, they're not so pitiable…
Joe Schoffstall | June 1, 2010
EyeblastTV came across this video showing a top view of what happened during the flotilla incident- as mentioned in our earlier blog post on Israel's…
Joe Schoffstall | June 1, 2010
The “Gaza Freedom Flotilla” set sail last week for the Hamas-controlled Gaza region, claiming to be carrying humanitarian aid. Israeli Navy ships…