'Not on Taco Tuesday!': First Lady Jill Biden's Press Secretary Resigns

Patrick Taylor | July 26, 2022
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Michael LaRosa, a former writer for Chris Matthews and a Democratic political advisor, is officially stepping down from his role as Press Secretary to First Lady Jill Biden, capping off a year-and-a-half tenure colored by a series of P.R. mishaps for the president’s wife.

In his role, LaRosa has had to deal with the media fallout over Jill Biden’s insistence on being referred to as “Doctor,” ensuing questions surrounding the quality of her dissertation, and public concerns over her husband’s health.

However, probably the largest public relations fiasco for the First Lady came when she infamously compared Hispanic people to “breakfast tacos” earlier this month—a comment that unsurprisingly did not sit well with Hispanic politicians, commentators, and journalists.

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LaRosa, on behalf of the First Lady, released a tweet the following day apologizing for the comparison, writing, “The First Lady apologizes that her words conveyed anything but pure admiration and love for the Latino community.”

Per CNN, news of LaRosa’s resignation had been known in the White House for “several weeks.” This means that it is unlikely that the taco comment was the final straw, if CNN’s reporting is accurate.

Still, many found the timing of LaRosa’s exit hilariously convenient.

“Oh man…Not on Taco Tuesday!” Christina Pushaw, spokeswoman for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), tweeted.

LaRosa joins a long list of key staff exiting the Biden White House in recent weeks. White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield also stepped down this month, signaling fears over Biden’s messaging heading into the midterm elections.

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