Evan Poellinger
CNSNews Fellow
Evan Poellinger | September 29, 2023
In spite of official state prohibitions, universities in Texas and Florida are finding ways to maintain Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies and positions without violating the letter of anti-DEI laws. In Florida and Texas, which enacted anti-DEI laws in May and June, respectively, positions enforcing racially discriminatory hiring or propagating diversity training have been…
Evan Poellinger | September 28, 2023
Billionaire climate activist Bill Gates wants farmers to stop using fertilizer, a plan that has already been tried, with catastrophic consequences for food supplies and costs. Gates denounced fertilizer and livestock as two of the biggest contributors to the global climate change menace, during a recent episode of his Unconfuse Me podcast. Gates commented that “of all the climate areas, the one…
Evan Poellinger | September 27, 2023
Bill Gates has recently called for increased environmental surveillance, along with a global vaccine production infrastructure. In a speech to the Japan Society on September 21, Bill Gates outlined his post-pandemic vision of addressing diseases across the globe. “For pandemics,” Gates opined, “we need new tools. Things like environmental surveillance needs to be done on a constant basis, so we’…
Evan Poellinger | September 27, 2023
The Town Council of Los Gatos, California has voted to create a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Commission charged with enacting equity-oriented policies in the town. The eleven-member commission was established on September 19, with its creation being justified by Councilmember Rob Moore on grounds that, “Los Gatos currently has a reputation–an indisputable reputation in some parts of the…
Evan Poellinger | September 26, 2023
The Goldwater Institute has put the federally-funded Arizona State University on notice for illegally using taxpayer funds to support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training as part of its curriculum. This training includes a course for faculty teaching about “the history of white supremacy and the social conditions for it to exist as a structural phenomenon,” after which the trainees are…
Evan Poellinger | September 25, 2023
The University of Wisconsin is facing the prospect of choosing between maintaining its radical-leftist DEI (Diversity, Equity, Governance) policies or losing out on six percent pay raises over two years. The pay raises, which were approved by Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D), have been hamstrung by Republican efforts led by Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester). Wisconsin Republicans have…
Evan Poellinger | September 21, 2023
Hundreds of High School Students from Pennsylvania’s Perkiomen Valley School District walked out of their classrooms on Friday to protest their district’s decision to allow transgenders to use bathrooms corresponding with their chosen identity. The school previously made the decision to reject an initiative which would have mandated use of the district’s bathrooms according to biological sex,…
Evan Poellinger | September 20, 2023
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland snapped at Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) over the congressman’s excoriation of the FBI’s spying on Traditional Catholics before attempting to dodge a question of whether or not he believes those Traditional Catholics are “extremists.” On Wednesday, Garland testified before the House Judiciary Committee concerning oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation…
Evan Poellinger | September 20, 2023
Radical leftist policies in higher education, inflicted under the guise of “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI),” appear to be facing increasing opposition, Daily Signal Columnist Jarrett Stepman says. In a column published on September 13, Stepman references a report in the New York Times discussing how DEI has become a hiring standard at colleges and universities, notably through diversity…
Evan Poellinger | September 18, 2023
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is planning to hire an additional 3,700 agents, allegedly to facilitate auditing of high-income earners who are attempting to avoid income taxes. In a news release from September 15, the IRS announced that it had opened 3,700 additional positions with the organization, which it said were designed to assist with “expanded enforcement work focusing on complex…