Brad Wilmouth
bradwilmouth | April 1, 2024
In response to an FBI report giving a preliminary estimate of crime in 2023, CNN and MSNBC anchors misleadingly tried to spin the numbers as showing that crime in America is down.
bradwilmouth | March 22, 2024
CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 March 19, 2024 8:26 p.m. Eastern ANDERSON COOPER: Now, with significant progress in a problem that voters are hearing plenty about from candidates this year, especially the former President, crime. New FBI data showing it fell significantly last year, almost across the board. Property crime mostly down -- violent crime also down -- murder down sharply. Today President…
bradwilmouth | March 18, 2024
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog As CNN has recently returned to promoting the discredited narrative exaggerating links between race and police misbehavior, the liberal news network put on display a classic example of how it uses racial double standards to promote the preferred liberal narrative. Late last week, CNN hosts Jake Tapper and Sara Sidner covered the story of San Bernardino…
bradwilmouth | March 15, 2024
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog Earlier in the week, Fox News highlighted an example of how far the New York City has fallen in taking violent crime seriously as the network informed viewers of an illegal immigrant who has repeatedly been arrested for assaulting women but has been neither deported, nor sentenced to significant time in prison. On Monday morning's Fox & Friends…
bradwilmouth | March 14, 2024
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Thursday afternoon, CNN host Brianna Keilar was unfazed and gave no pushback when her guest, Dearborn mayor Abdullah Hammoud, accused Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu of being a "tyrant" and "war criminal" as the Michigan Democrat appeared to discuss Muslim American support for President Joe Biden in light of the war in Gaza. As the two…
bradwilmouth | March 13, 2024
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Wednesday afternoon, CNN host Jake Tapper did his part to undermine Israel's war effort by showing a pre-recorded piece highlighting the story of an American citizen living in Gaza who has a "resounding message" for President Joe Biden about why he is allowing her to suffer even though she chooses to live there. At 5:23 p.m. Eastern, before a…
bradwilmouth | March 11, 2024
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Monday night, CNN host Erin Burnett tried to undermine the Israeli rationale for continuing its war against Hamas terrorists as she debated right-leaning former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. As Bennett not only invoked the U.S. fight against Japan after America was attacked in 1941, Burnett complained that the U.S. did some "shameful"…
bradwilmouth | March 10, 2024
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Saturday night, MSNBC host Ayman Moheyldin did his part to help resuscitate the career of liberal provocateur Kathy Griffin as he had the comedian on his show to promote her upcoming appearances and explain why she does not regret the infamous image of her from 2017 looking like she had decapitated President Donald Trump. After playing a clip of…
bradwilmouth | March 8, 2024
On Thursday afternoon, CNN anchor Boris Sanchez tried to spin to defend the Joe Biden administration's handling of the border as he and Congressman Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) got into a debate while discussing what to expect from the President's State of the Union address.