Bill D'Agostino
Bill D'Agostino | February 16, 2024
Does anyone remember back when the 25th Amendment could suddenly become a hot topic of discussion on the airwaves for pretty much any reason whatsoever? It was back between about 2017 and 2020, coincidentally around the same time that the media’s least favorite person ever was President of the United States. Now that there’s a Democrat in office, there seems to exist no possible combination of…
Bill D'Agostino | February 12, 2024
  Hell has frozen over, and some in the left-wing corporate media have finally begun to entertain the notion that our 81-year-old President might, in fact, have some cognitive issues. Now is as good a time as any to remind everyone of how desperate these same journalists were to dismiss that idea as a “right-wing” conspiracy theory cooked up by cynical Republicans and “Russian television,”…
Bill D'Agostino | February 9, 2024
Hell has frozen over, and some in the left-wing corporate media have finally begun to entertain the notion that our 81-year-old President might, in fact, have some cognitive issues. Now is as good a time as any to remind everyone of how desperate these same journalists were to dismiss that idea as a “right-wing” conspiracy theory cooked up by cynical Republicans and “Russian television.”
Bill D'Agostino | February 5, 2024
For the entirety of the Biden administration, the corporate news media have sat idly by as Democrats lied that the U.S. border is “secure,” “closed,” and “under control.” For a group of people so supposedly disturbed by misinformation, these journalists owe everyone an explanation for why they’ve allowed their friends in the White House and on Capitol Hill to continue pushing this absurd mistruth.
Bill D'Agostino | January 24, 2024
No matter how bad Biden’s polling data may be, journalists staunchly refuse to accept that the numbers could at all be an accurate reflection of the economy. As a result, many Biden stooges in the media have been talking about the existence of a so-called “disconnect”  between the state of the economy and voter sentiment. To read the full blog, visit NewsBusters.
Bill D'Agostino | January 15, 2024
CBS Mornings co-anchor John Dickerson on Monday hijacked the usually lighthearted “Talk of the Table” segment to hyperventilate about January 6th. Using the Iowa Caucuses as a jumping-off point, Dickerson panicked that the people of Iowa might soon select a candidate who had “attacked the culminating sacrament of the national election in 2020.”
Bill D'Agostino | January 12, 2024
Left-wing cable networks CNN and MSNBC are desperate to blame any potential hiccups in the government funding fight on the conservative wing of the Republican Party. As the deadline for Congress to pass a spending bill approaches, reporters on both networks have been stewing over “hardliners” and their “far-right” demands during budget negotiations.
Bill D'Agostino | January 10, 2024
If one were to describe the totality of Hasan’s politics in a single sentence, that sentence would have to include descriptors like DNC cheerleader, Hamas apologist, race baiter, and, insufferable limey.