Alex Christy
Alex Christy | May 23, 2024
When compared to its network counterparts, Comedy Central’s The Daily Show is more likely to acknowledge that Democrats provide plenty of comedic material as evidenced by Tuesday’s show where Desi Lydic pretended to be Vice President Kamala Harris’s “holistic thought advisor” who is responsible for her various word salads. However, Wednesday’s show reverted back to the norm as Troy Iwata found…
Alex Christy | May 23, 2024
When compared to its network counterparts, Comedy Central’s The Daily Show is more likely to acknowledge that Democrats provide plenty of comedic material as evidenced by Tuesday’s show where Desi Lydic pretended to be Vice President Kamala Harris’s “holistic thought advisor” who is responsible for her various word salads. However, Wednesday’s show reverted back to the norm as Troy Iwata found…
Alex Christy | May 23, 2024
CBS’s Stephen Colbert claimed on the Wednesday edition of The Late Show that “dumb people” who opposed same-sex marriage before the Supreme Court legalized it nationwide have had their “stupid arguments” debunked by a new study. However, Colbert naturally only focused on the more crazy predictions and not the realistic concerns that have come to pass. Colbert began, “Oh, here's something that's…
Alex Christy | May 22, 2024
On Wednesday's CNN News Central, hosts Boris Sanchez and Jessica Dean, along with chief climate correspondent Bill Weir, applauded NBC Miami meteorologist Steve MacLaughlin’s recent plea that people help fix climate change by voting against Gov. Ron DeSantis. Sanchez teed up a clip of MacLaughlin, “It’s only May, but record high temperatures are already gripping Florida and one meteorologist in…
Alex Christy | May 22, 2024
NBC Capitol Hill correspondent Ali Vitali concluded her guest hosting of MSNBC’s Way Too Early on Wednesday by welcoming Shefali Luthra, health reporter for The 19th News, to promote her new book, where Luthra claims that the left’s position that pro-lifers simply seek to control women is not just a lazy opinion, but a fact confirmed by “research.” Vitali was all for the conclusion, “I want to…
Alex Christy | May 22, 2024
CBS Mornings host Gayle King and foreign correspondent Imtiaz Tyab could hardly contain their excitement as Spain, Norway, and Ireland announced on Wednesday they will recognize a Palestinian state. The duo brought all the positive adjective from “major” to “very big” to “enormous” to “significant,” but absent from the conversation was even the smallest suggestion that the three countries were…
Alex Christy | May 21, 2024
CBS’s After Midnight is sold as a different kind of late night comedy show. Host Taylor Tomlinson typically guides her guests in various internet content-inspired improv question and answer games, but on Monday she began like a typical late night host and gave a monologue in defense of President Joe Biden’s stance on abortion while attacking Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker’s recent…
Alex Christy | May 21, 2024
During her Monday interview with International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan that first aired on CNN International and later on PBS’s Amanpour and Company, Christiane Amanpour opened up the floor to Khan to trash Republicans for their criticisms of him. Naturally, Khan portrayed himself as a man of deep principles fighting against GOP politicians who only care about appeasing their…
Alex Christy | May 21, 2024
CBS’s Stephen Colbert reacted on Monday’s edition of The Late Show to the story that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s wife Martha-Ann flew an upside-down flag at their home in response to neighborly abuse by accusing the couple of being Nazis. Colbert declared that “when it comes to January 6th cases argued before the Court, Alito has been highly sympathetic to the mob. That's like when your…
Alex Christy | May 18, 2024
After not-so cleverly trying and failing to get Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from important Supreme Court cases related to January 6, the left and the media have moved on to try to not-so cleverly get Justice Samuel Alito to recuse himself based on a photo of an upside-down flag outside his home that was said to show support for the rioters. On Saturday’s Good Morning America, ABC…