mrctvstaff | May 30, 2024
  On the Thursday edition of WMAL’s "O’Connor & Company," Media Research Center (MRC) Founder and President Brent Bozell took ABC, CBS, and NBC to task for their “completely biased coverage of Donald Trump” as revealed by NewsBusters' latest study of the sham trial by Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg interfering in the 2024 election. "This is so serious that you should expect the networks to…
mrctvstaff | May 17, 2024
Assistant Managing Editor for MRCTV and Culture Nick Kangadis sat down with host Chris Boyle on OAN's "Nights with Chris Boyle to talk about the establishment propaganda media's drummed up controversy involving Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker and the commencement speech he gave at this year's graduation ceremony at Benedictine College. Critics - let's face it, they're really just…
mrctvstaff | May 15, 2024
  MRCTV’s Eric Scheiner joined One America News Network’s ‘In-Focus’ on Tuesday to discuss the leftist media’s obsession with claiming that if ‘Their Guy’ Joe Biden doesn’t win the election, it’s “the end of democracy.” The media loves to parrot DNC talking points (in speeches throughout his time in office Joe Biden has warned a second Trump term would herald the “end of democracy”) but in…
mrctvstaff | May 8, 2024
MRCTV’s Eric Scheiner joined One America’s News Network on Tuesday to discuss the latest episodes of leftist media bias. Crazy started it all off as Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) went on MSNBC and claimed that organizations connected to Donald Trump “are training up in the hills somewhere targeting the what communities they are going to attack” if Joe Biden wins the election.  No proof, no…
mrctvstaff | May 7, 2024
“Joe Biden's out there campaigning and no one's really covering it. He's talking about his uncle that was eaten by cannibals. He's reading the word ‘pause.’ He's claiming to be a truck driver. He's claiming that he was a professor at a university. All these things that are blatantly not true,” MRCTV’s Eric Scheiner told the Newsmax audience on Sunday. Scheiner and Life Flip media’s Eric…
mrctvstaff | April 25, 2024
MRCTV’s Eric Scheiner joined Victory News to discuss the latest in a long series of Joe Biden gaffes on Wednesday. Biden provided a “mega-pause” during a speech at a union conference in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday. "Imagine what we could do next. Four more years, pause," he said, reading the teleprompter instructions aloud. It resulted in awkward applause from supporters. “This week…
mrctvstaff | April 10, 2024
The leftist website Salon has published a piece claiming the violent sucker-punching in NYC is connected to male fury  “unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement.” Don’t expect any factual connection – just leftist fantasy theory from the author of the book (deep breath) “Trolls: How The Right Became Trump-Worshipping Monsters Set On Rat-F**king Liberals, America and the Truth Itself”.…
mrctvstaff | April 8, 2024
On Sunday's episode of Life, Liberty, & Levin on the Fox News Channel, Media Research Center founder and president L. Brent Bozell explained to Mark Levin how the media are relentlessly negative in their coverage of Donald Trump, and focus largely on his legal troubles and avoid covering how President Biden is failing on the issues from inflation to immigration to crime.  Levin asked…
mrctvstaff | March 8, 2024
The hypocrisy displayed by the cast of ABC’s The View is never more apparent when their “support all women” shtick clashes with their disdain for actual conservative women. That scenario played out again on Friday as they viciously attacked the mental health Alabama Senator Katie Britt (R) for her less-than-stellar and unusual rebuttal to President Biden’s State of the Union address the previous…