
kbrown | December 19, 2005
CNN’s “In the Money” December 17, host Jack Cafferty informed viewers that the threatened labor stoppage was against the law.
kbrown | December 15, 2005
On the July 6, 2005, “NBC Nightly News,” Kelly O’Donnell admitted U.S. donations were the highest in the world, but stressed criticism of those…
kbrown | December 15, 2005
ABC’s Bill Weir summed up that network’s take on the 2005 hurricane season after his September 16 “Good Morning America” piece about Hurricane…
kbrown | December 15, 2005
Journalists have been incredulous that President Bush wouldn’t immediately raise taxes to cover new expenses. Following Bush’s Sept. 15, 2005,…
kbrown | December 15, 2005
CBS’s “60 Minutes” continues the praise for French leisure. Lara Logan described working (or not) in that country on the June 29 show: “Full-time…
kbrown | December 10, 2005
Former General Electric CEO Jack Welch to host Andy Serwer on CNN’s “In the Money.”
kbrown | December 7, 2005
NBC was especially clear about connecting climate change to stronger storms in five out of six stories it did on the topic. Robert Bazell, of “NBC…
kbrown | December 6, 2005
Brought on to issue “an economic reality check,” CNN’s resident pessimist Lou Dobbs poured cold water on the U.S. economy’s strong 4.3 percent…
kbrown | December 5, 2005
Diane Sawyer speaks Dan Bartlett on “Good Morning America” about the mounting deficits and the need for new taxes.
kbrown | December 2, 2005
CNN’s Soledad O’Brien solemnly declared the morning’s business briefing was “a litany of bad news, really." Taking that cue, business reporter Andy…
kbrown | November 30, 2005
CBS’s Julie Chen reported on the “Early Show”: “Mortgage rates are at their highest in more than two years, and many home owners are worried that the…
kbrown | November 16, 2005
Bob Schieffer reports on natural gas forecasts on September 7, 2005. Bills will be 71% higher than 2004.
kbrown | November 16, 2005
Bob Schieffer reports on natural gas forecasts on November 10, 2005. Bills will be 27% higher than 2004.
kbrown | November 9, 2005
Ben Stein on Fox's “THE O'REILLY FACTOR.”
kbrown | November 9, 2005
CNN: Tax the rich!
kbrown | November 9, 2005
CBS: American dream "scrapped"?