MRC Latino | April 23, 2024
  NANCY CHEN: From coast-to-coast, campus to campus, protests are growing louder in solidarity. Students are also joining in at UC Berkeley. MALAK AFANEH: Quite frankly, I think it's important that people start to align themselves with the Palestinian resistance. CHEN: Here at Columbia University, the seventh day of protests. Demonstrators want the school to divest from all business that…
MRC Latino | April 23, 2024
JERICKA DUNCAN: Drivers are facing the worst sticker shock in a generation. Take used car prices. They now average $25,600. That's nearly 25% higher than five years ago. From loans to insurance, costs are soaring at every turn. In tonight's "Weekend journal" CBS's Jeff Nguyen in Los Angeles explains some of the reasons why.  
MRC Latino | April 22, 2024
MEG OLIVER: Late this afternoon, President Biden denounced antisemitism. JOE BIDEN: I condemn the antisemitic protests, that’s why I’ve set up a program to deal with that. I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.   
MRC Latino | April 21, 2024
  LINSEY DAVIS: As we come on the air, New York authorities are issuing a warning ahead of Passover. Officials say the holiday, which begins tomorrow, may serve as a catalyst for extremist groups and individuals to commit acts of violence against Jewish faith-based communities. This comes as tensions are rising at Columbia University here in New York over the Israel-Hamas war. More than 100…
MRC Latino | April 21, 2024
  REINCE PREIBUS: In 2016, it was 24/7 lousy press, good press, everything in between, Donald Trump. If you look at the press, 90% of it's about Trump, and he -- he went through the last three weeks with five rallies a day, and turned out one of the biggest upsets in modern history. When it's all about Trump, he's winning. JONATHAN MARTIN: Yes. So I disagree with that. JON KARL:…
MRC Latino | April 21, 2024
  REINCE PREIBUS: In 2016, it was 24/7 lousy press, good press, everything in between, Donald Trump. If you look at the press, 90% of it's about Trump, and he -- he went through the last three weeks with five rallies a day, and turned out one of the biggest upsets in modern history. When it's all about Trump, he's winning. JONATHAN MARTIN: Yes. So I disagree with that. JON KARL:…
MRC Latino | April 21, 2024
KRISTEN WELKER: Pick up on that point, because this is all going- against the backdrop of Donald Trump in court for his first criminal trial this week. ANDREA MITCHELL: The fact is, we don't know how that is going to play. Up until now, these legal cases have only helped him fund-raising, made him- you know, tell people he’s the victim, energized his base. And so, he’s risen in the polls with…
MRC Latino | April 19, 2024
JOE BIDEN: …and, when D-Day occurred, the next day, on Monday all four of my mother's brothers went down and volunteered to join the military. And four of them -- three of them made it. One was 4F- couldn't go. And, uh… Ambrose Finnegan- we called him Uncle Bosie- he was shot down. He was Army Air Corps. Before there was an Air Force. He flew single-engine planes. Reconnaissance flights over New…
MRC Latino | April 19, 2024
GABE GUTIERREZ: Responding to his family's endorsement of his opponent today, RFK, Jr. posted on social media: "we are divided in our opinions but united in our love for each other”. The environmental lawyer and anti-vaccine activist first ran as a Democrat. Now, Kennedy's independent campaign is polling above 10% in a few key swing states where Biden is also trailing Trump. Democrats are…
MRC Latino | April 17, 2024
  NORAH O’DONNELL: Basketball sensation Caitlin Clark has taken the women's game to new heights, but becoming the WNBA's top draft pick has brought attention to the pay disparity with the NBA. CBS's Jericka Duncan reports Clark held her first press conference today, where she talked about how the league can narrow the gap. CAITLIN CLARK: This is a dream come true, like these are the moments you…