
Brittany M. Hughes | November 3, 2023
You’d think, what with the massacre of Israelis a few weeks ago by violent barbarians who hate America almost as much as they hate the Jews, the…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 3, 2023
In the absence of green cards to get legitimate jobs, illegal aliens who’ve taken over New York City have figured out a new way to make a buck. Ok,…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 19, 2023
A veteran Texas police officer was shot to death this week by two men, at least one of whom was a Mexican citizen and likely in the country illegally…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 16, 2023
In other news, a border agent in Texas was injured last week after he was attacked by two illegal aliens and shoved into some razor wire.  You know…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 6, 2023
Socialist New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is pushing back on President Joe Biden’s claim that he had no choice but to start…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 5, 2023
  Talk about having your cake and eating it, too. President Joe Biden’s administration is moving to build border barriers to help stem the tide of…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 3, 2023
Things have gotten so bad in the Big Apple, even Mayor Eric Adams’ own advisor is calling on President Joe Biden to close the border. Ingrid Lewis-…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 3, 2023
One man was arrested and 11 others turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement after police said they busted a house where an 11-year-old and…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 2, 2023
  Border agents reported a shocking 210,000 illegal alien apprehensions at the Southwest U.S. border in September, up by roughly 30,000 from the…
Brittany M. Hughes | September 29, 2023
The bodies of children are washing up on the banks of the Rio Grande, while NYC gets ready to spend about $12 billion trying to house and support…
Brittany M. Hughes | September 29, 2023
  No one’s ever claimed that AOC is the brightest bulb in the chandelier. But on a scale of kinda-dumb to holy-crap-did-she-say-that idiotic, the…
Brittany M. Hughes | September 28, 2023
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris can’t seem to find the Southwest U.S. border, but hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens sure…