
Joe Schoffstall | June 29, 2010
Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on a 5-4 vote that it is unconstitutional for state and local governments to completely ban citizens from…
Stephen Gutowski | June 29, 2010
Looks like Pete Stark is back and more disrespectful of his constituents than ever. Check out this exchange between Stark and members of the Golden…
Joe Schoffstall | June 29, 2010
The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a government watchdog group, says the White House is committing "willful violations…
Stephen Gutowski | June 26, 2010
Looks like we are experiencing some problems with the blog's sidebar. Tech is working on fixing the problem and hopefully everything will be fixed…
Joe Schoffstall | June 25, 2010
During the the U.S. Social Forum, 'social justice activists' gather together and establish unity around common goals of justice while building ties…
Joe Schoffstall | June 24, 2010
Democrat County Supervisor Peggy West of the Milwaukee County Board vocally showcased her opposition to the Arizona immigration law and support of a…
Joe Schoffstall | June 24, 2010
Rep. Hank Johnson, who said that "Republicans favor big business, and big business favors Republicans" while speaking on campaign finance disclosure…
Stephen Gutowski | June 24, 2010
Leave it to Rep Hank Johnson (D-GA), yes that Hank Johnson, to tell everybody exactly why some in congress want so desperately to restrict businesses…
Joe Schoffstall | June 24, 2010
Rep. Mike Pence today from the floor of the House said it's imperative that the Obama Administration cripple Iran's energy and financial sectors in…
Joe Schoffstall | June 24, 2010
Actor Val Kilmer, who said that in his New Mexico town he is "surrounded by drunks" and the people who served in Vietnam are "borderline criminal", …
Stephen Gutowski | June 24, 2010
In and apparent attempt to reassure the American people that the government is helping the right people Democrat Paul Kanjorski made this statement…
Joe Schoffstall | June 23, 2010
In the heavily Arab suburb of Dearborn Michigan, four Christian evangelists were arrested on public property just outside of an Arab festival for …
Stephen Gutowski | June 23, 2010
This is simply the latest in a long line of disgusting kid's shows coming out of the islamic world which serve to try and create the next generation…
Joe Schoffstall | June 23, 2010
In the "he said, he said" battle between Sen. Kyl and President Obama over whether Obama told the senator he purposely isn't securing the border and…
Joe Schoffstall | June 22, 2010
Your tax dollars are indirectly being used to pay warlords in Afghanistan to protect NATO vehicles--even making its way into the hands of the Taliban…
Joe Schoffstall | June 22, 2010
Mexican drug cartels have emerged with a simple message to off-duty Nogales, AZ police officers; while off-duty, if you happen to see something fishy…
Stephen Gutowski | June 21, 2010
A wonderful lesson in government consistency(h/t Fox Nation): Sure you can't legally earn a wage but golly if you manage to break our laws and…
Joe Schoffstall | June 21, 2010
Tyrone Benton, a technician on the Deepwater Horizon , claims that he told both BP and the rig operator of a problem that existed with a piece of…
Stephen Gutowski | June 21, 2010
This video was passed to me though office email and I wanted to get people's take on it: Personally I'm not sure how to read this one. I mean the…
Joe Schoffstall | June 21, 2010
Weeks before the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion killed 11 and sent anywhere from 23 to 49 million gallons of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico…