
Joe Schoffstall | August 23, 2010
This would be funny if it weren't such a serious subject. The Institute for Justice put together this video of a young first grader who attends a…
Stephen Gutowski | August 23, 2010
Our favorite constitution disregarding congressman is back again. Guess what hes doing now? Yup, disregarding the constitution. Well I guess, to be…
Joe Schoffstall | August 20, 2010
The Media Research Center interviewed New Yorkers about their thoughts on the proposed Ground Zero Mosque located just two blocks away from the World…
Joe Schoffstall | August 20, 2010
Thursday outside of 51 Park Place in New York City--the location of the proposed Ground Zero interviewed Kamal Wahad who is a…
Stephen Gutowski | August 19, 2010
Gee... things are gonna be kinda awkward if Charlie Crist does win the Florida Senate race and caucuses with the democrats as he has promised to do.…
Stephen Gutowski | August 18, 2010
It seems that some liberals have started to craw out of their hiding places to face their constituents. Just a couple of days ago we saw Rep Melissa…
Joe Schoffstall | August 18, 2010
Congressman Tom Perriello from Virginia said you can bring your opinions to his town hall meetings, but you cannot bring political signs inside…
Joe Schoffstall | August 17, 2010
City officials were ordered to roll back the tax rate after the state controller discovered the city illegally raised its property taxes in 2007.…
Joe Schoffstall | August 17, 2010
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said it would be "a sad day for America" if opponents are successful in killing plans for the proposed mosque near…
Stephen Gutowski | August 16, 2010
According to the youtube account that posted the video of the event this shocking act of intimidation happened during a public forum held by Rep…
Joe Schoffstall | August 16, 2010
Terry Jeffrey, Editor-in-Chief of, interviewed Arizona Sheriff Larry Dever of Cochise County, AZ about the situation going on along the…
Stephen Gutowski | August 12, 2010
In case you were worried that the SEIU wasn't as much of a thugish astroturf organization as ever here is video evidence that their as horrible as…
Joe Schoffstall | August 12, 2010
Keith Halloran, a New Hampshire Democrat running for a seat in the state House, wrote on a facebook page, "I just wish Sarah and Levy were on board…
Joe Schoffstall | August 12, 2010
When confronted by a reporter who asked former President Bill Clinton why he campaigned for PA Senate candidate Joe Sestak (D) after he tried to get…
Joe Schoffstall | August 12, 2010
From the way Charlie Rangel celebrated his 80th birthday bash, you would never know he's a man caught up in 13 chargers of ethics violations and…
Stephen Gutowski | August 11, 2010
Well its been a pretty slow day so when I came across this video I figured, hey, why not destroy a stupid lefty fallacy to pass some time? That…
Joe Schoffstall | August 11, 2010
Yesterday, a video was released featuring an obvious Tea Party plant in Kentucky wearing a tin foil hat, holding a sign with Dora the Explorer…
Joe Schoffstall | August 10, 2010
Earlier today at the Republican Leadership Press Conference, House Minority Leader John Boehner blasted the teachers union bailout calling it some of…
Joe Schoffstall | August 10, 2010
Raheel Raza, a Muslim Canadian Congress Board Member, ripped into New York City Mayor Bloomberg as a "bleeding heart white liberal" and questioned…
Joe Schoffstall | August 9, 2010
On August 5th, Rosie O'Donnell stated on the Rosie Radio satellite broadcast that she got married in San Francisco as an "act of defiance" and as a…