As World Crumbles in on Dems, ABC Clings to War on Women

Scott Whitlock | November 4, 2014
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[See NewsBusters for more.] As the walls crumbled in on the Democratic Party, with huge losses in Colorado, Iowa, North Carolina and other places, ABC analyst Donna Brazile stubbornly clung to the idea that prosecuting the "war on women" meme is a good one for Democrats. Late on election night, George Stephanopoulos gingerly offered, "Donna Brazile, a lot of people think that the Democrats overplayed this war on women."  Speaking of the Democratic senatorial candidate in Colorado, Brazile denied, "No. I don't think they overplayed it, maybe that's the only focus that people thought that Mark Udall had." Of the Republican, she insisted, "Mr. Gardner changed his position on the Personhood Amendment."